Wednesday, January 2, 2013


* S2G. Determined Day 13:

1. Talkative, Fun, Loud, Exciting People: Talk about Achievements, Travel, Lifestyle, Shopping, Celebrities & Brands. [Promoter]

2. Friendly, Caring, Reliable People: Talk slowly & caringly about Charity, Helping others, FFG/NTC, Nature & Friendship. [Supporter]

3. Detailed, Thoughtful, Quiet, Stubborn People: Talk about Specifics, System, Clinical Studies, Data & No Risk. [Analyser]

4. Decisive, Dominant, Serious People: Talk w/ certainty about Success, Millionaires, Big Money, Big Vision & Market Share. [Controller]

5. Watch video "4 Quadrant Personalities" By Brian Tracy (Case Sensitive): [Be Skilled]

"Lead with Passion!" Willing Tan 陳威潾

From HK:

Network Marketing 101:

Network marketing is not about selling products or earning income.

The biggest popular misconception about network marketing is that it's a direct selling business. It is NOT.

Selling is just earning more income. If you stop the activity, the income stops. Selling is necessary and important in network marketing but it must not be all that you do.

Instead, if you want to achieve time & financial freedom, focus majority of your time on building your network - i.e.

1) Knowing how and doing the activities that build your people network,

2) Recruit people into your business team,

3) Train, Lead & Retain and help the team mates to become successful.

Network marketing is about building a business asset. And your asset is the people within your team.

The goal is not for you or any other individual to sell a lot of products; it's for a lot of people to be their own best customer, sell and service a reasonable number of customers, and recruit and show a lot of other people how to do the same thing.

* S2G. "10 SECRETS I wish I knew when I STARTED, that STOPPED me from taking ACTION"

1. Don't be comfortable now (3-5yrs). You will be VERY comfortable later. Nothing is easy, there are no shortcuts. ACCEPT it. Try working until you retire!? The SUCCESSFUL ones get there FASTER because they BELIEVE it, BEFORE they SEE it.

2. Make FRIENDS with EVERYONE! You will want an UNLIMITED supply of prospects to make a difference to. The ONLY reason people quit is when they have no prospects. Attract people with your ENERGY & POSITIVELY!

3. Don't be afraid to represent Nu Skin. You will ONLY attract courage when you are fearless. If you are not confident, because you haven't got much results (money or title) yet, be confident about the CHOICE you made, because you BELIEVE. Your prospects are looking for your confidence in your FIRM & UNWAVERING DECISION.

4. Don't stop LEARNING & GROWING. You will NOT want to be the same as you are 6 mths from now. To handle the MOST challenges & the BIGGEST objections, you must be BIGGER than you are now. LEARN to EARN, then RETURN.

5. Don't argue, fight or gossip. Your energy is PRECIOUS, don't waste it. Your ego is OVERATED, don't let it control you. Fighting with pigs, only makes you dirty too. Don't be proud you WON the fight, be gracious that they GAVE you the WIN.

6. Don't stop GIVING & CONTRIBUTING even when you have not received. The only time you can TAKE, is when you TAKE time to give some more. GIVERS GAIN, they always do. If you CATCH yourself complaining, you are a WINNER already!

7. Don't be EMOTIONAL when you dont get your results. It's ok to feel bad. Don't stay down. Don't stay away. Don't stay low. Instead, FORCE yourself to GET UP, LOOK UP & LINK UP. Know that there are others with far worse conditions than you. Be THANKFUL!

8. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Be afraid of not making any. Nu Skin is the most forgiving business. Quickly make the mistakes so you can teach your team. Take RISK to experience the JOY of LEARNING from mistakes.

9. Don't LIMIT yourself by CONSTANTLY saying: "I can't."  "I'm not the type." "I don't know." "I won't" You only attract similar people. If you can drive, read newspaper, you can LEARN. Don't be Lazy!

10. Don't try to be Great SOMETIMES. Be CONSISTENTLY good (share, use & invite), and you will be GREAT FOREVER. Be CONSISTENT in behavior, attitude, action, thought & image. Consistency creates Reliability, Reliability creates Trust and Trust creates PROFITS. Profits = FREEDOM!


With Admiration,
Willing Tan 陳威潾 & KC 江康晉

Be a Force for Good

Attract It!

* S2G. "Why I haven't found builders yet?"

1. Energy:
You wouldn't be attracted to Low Energy people, right? And so would your friends. Energy comes from being 100% Confident in your DECISION (not results). Is your every THOUGHT, BEHAVIOR & ACTION aligned with High Energy?

2. Leadership:
Are you Communicating your Vision every time? With Vision, you Inspire. With Inspiration, you have Influence. And with Influence, you have Leadership. What is your Vision? How many people do you want to help get a Type 5 life?

3. Character:
List 5 Characteristics (Decisive, Caring, Detailed, Empowering, Charasmatic etc) of yourself, and rate yourself. Find ways to increase them. Do people know your strengths? Why not? Its your branding.

4. Experience:
Have you presented to 100 people to Practice handling their Objections? Learned their fears, showed them other Choices and took RISK to Open up their minds? Experience gives Wisdom. Wisdom is attractive!

5. Numbers:
Finding 4 Executives in a list of 10 is almost impossible. Finding 4 in 50 is possible. Finding 4 in 100 is even more possible. Finding 4 in 300 is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE! Grow your name list Every DAY!

6. Positive:
The Universe will ALWAYS give you what you want. When you 'SIGH...' when you can't find a builder, the Universe will find more reasons for you to 'SIGH...'. Be Positive, Seek Value & Builders will come.

7. Timing:
Everyone is busy at their work, stressed & afraid of the future. Most don't have the time to think or are too afraid to think about it. Have patience & work hard to be prepared for them when they decide to join.

8. Resourceful:
Be a helpful & caring person to ANYONE. People always appreciate caring people & would inturn help them succeed as well, through Referrals or spreading a Good word about you.

9. Work Hard:
Hard work is Required. Going to training when its raining, your favorite show is on, you got to change clothes, find TRA food, carry your laptop, see your upline face (when you have no results), take notes, listen to the same message again for the 25th time...IS hard work. Tell your BRAIN to shut up! Just do it.

10. Presentable:
Do you represent a Professional, Clean, Healthy & Nu Skin Image? Are you consistent in showing up as a product of the product? Do people compliment your image? Fresh, Alert, Urgent & Youthful?

11. Urgency:
Speed is Power. Yes, you will fall faster, but that only means, you will learn faster too! It's either you talk to your friends, of someone else will. Stop asking why you haven't found your builder. Start asking everyone you know if they heard of ageLOC GAMMA?!

12. Persist:
Persist. Persist. PERSIST!

"Think about it, you joined to do the biz, so, you can't be the only one, right?"


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