Wednesday, January 2, 2013


* S2G. For EXECUTIVES ONLY: "5 Essential Steps of Duplicating & Improving Results of your Downlines." As a leader, your KEY responsibility is to COACH for EFFECTIVENESS (EXCELLENCE & REPEATABILITY). Take these steps when your downline creates Positive Results.

So that they register the Success & Acknowledge the feeling of Victory. Describe the feeling, enjoy it, share it & experience it. If results were not as expected, look for the things that were done right and acknowledge that. 

Because luck is not duplicable, they need to know EXACTLY what was done that created that result or success. E.g. Focused, urgent, more confident, more passionate, Excited, straight to the point, warmer, caring, using certain tools, words, testimonials, stories etc. These factors are absolutely DUPLICABLE! 

If results weren't as expected, what could have been better? What SPECIFIC areas can be improved, enhanced, avoided, modified, leveraged more, emphasized more, their image, neatness, timing, professionalism, consistency etc. 

Who can they share this success story, lessons learned, tips, techniques, methods with? By sharing they will be teaching & duplicating, and ultimately creating COMPOUNDING PASSIVE INCOME (CPI). 

5. WHO'S NEXT (Prospect) ?
The best time to close a case, is when they just closed a case. So, immediately GO TO or IDENTIFY another prospect to meet or share. Leverage the learning, momentum & Energy to transform more peoples lives. 

"Now you are DUPLICATING STARS!" 

80 DAYS! 


"So, I drop already. What to do?"

1. See things in a BIGGER PERSPECTIVE. Nobody succeeded overnight. Nobody has a smooth ride. Everyone has challenges. That's what makes them strong, wise & resilient (tahan lasak). Eg. Sahatad Ong, 21yrs old, took 16 mths to become an Exec. He is now a MCM & Team Elite with 10+ BD's under him. Eleena Williams was a Lapis for 12 yrs before becoming a Team Elite. A new Exec, HaMinRang from Korea, lost all her Executives. She was in a slump. But, now, she is a new Diamond Executive! The important thing is to learn from this experience and do better.

2. Ask was it "WITHIN your CONTROL?" or if it was any one of these areas that could have been done better:
A. System: Understand, Leverage, Duplicate & Ownership.
B. Skill: Attend 5+1 Training System, Practice & Review.
C. Education & Mindset: Read Business School, Financial Planner View of MLM, HOPE & Brilliant Compensation etc.
D. Tools: Use Testimonials, Flip charts, Forms etc.
E. Commitment: Attended BOM, SuperBOM, Success Seminar, Forum etc. Use products.
F. Communication: Have regular coaching/review with Upline/Ruby/BD/TE & Follow Up with Prospects, Customers & Builders.

3. FOCUS on your GOAL. What is it you want to achieve from Nu Skin business for YOUR FAMILY? Is it important? Why is it IMPORTANT? Can you do better? What would you do different, knowing what you know now? What would a leader you admire do? What advice would you give yourself?

4. You want to be STRONGER. So, challenges & set backs are there for a purpose. To make you stronger than you thought you were. To make you stronger for your downlines & family, so that they can rely on your strength when they think they have none. You can't build muscles picking up a pencil a hundred times. You can't fly with gravity. "Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills." - Jim Rohn.

5. Let's Review your FFFBC again. Who can we make a difference to? Let's begin again with Gratitude, Heart & Tencity! With your experience, you can only get BETTER!

Willing Tan

* S2G. Why MUST we read daily?

1. Everybody knows it feels great when we accomplish a task.
2. We definitely have lots to learn that will make us better.
3. Everyone wants to be more Effective & Productive.

Therefore, when we read 15-20mins a day, we accomplish a simple task, learn & become better.

The MOST VALUABLE part of this, is that DESPITE not able to get the invite, close the prospect or attend the meeting, at the very least, we accomplished 15-20mins of personal development. That, my friends, is the GREATEST BENEFIT. The acknowledgement of being able to keep your word, complete a simple task and with that, builds TREMENDOUS PERSONAL BELIEF and SELF ESTEEM. "It is this simple ROUTINE, that creates an unstoppable MOMENTUM of BELIEF, that makes a person to take the next ACTION towards their DREAMS." - Antony Robbins (Why Some People Take Massive Action and Some Don't).

"I did it! I can!"

"The Power of Reading, starts the Power of Leading."

Read a little. Grow a lot. Attract more. Need a book suggestion ask your Ruby/BD Exec (MADE Reading list).

Willing Tan

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