Sunday, January 20, 2013


* S2G. How to ENHANCE your Napkin BOM?

PRIMARY Intention: Recruit Biz Builder (TRA sign up & Schedule 48hr Training)

SECONDARY Purpose: Recruit Consumer: Close w/ LifePak & G3 ARO, ageLOC Spa or ageLOC R² (1/3 mth).

5 Key Areas:
1. Mercedes logo: Emphasize & Quantify Market Size. If the market is BIG, there will be DEMAND. And with Big Demand, it will overcome ANY Objection (saturation, expensive, rejection etc). e.g. Beauty: 7 Billion people have Skin, Anti-Aging will be USD1Trillion by 2025, Weight Mgmt is USD600Billion by 2016; >50% Overweight in SEA, 75% in USA, 1 Billion overweight Globally! etc

2. Leverage: 2, 4, 8....  5, 25, 125... Emphasize "... by sharing w/ only 3 more friends, you can reach >19,000 people! This is leverage."

3. Starbucks: Emphasize that franchising is very successful method, 18,000 franchises create USD810Million per month. Power of distribution channel (leverage).

4. 5+25+125=155: Emphasize "The best way for you to leverage such a big market (point to Market in the Mercedes logo), w/o high capital, w/o risk, is with a proven business plan: 5% 6 Generation... USD23K/mth..." Doubling Effect, >850 Millionaires.

5. Franchising Tool: Emphasize system, duplication. "Just like any franchise, we need powerful tools & system, such as the Omron machine & the TRA System. Let me show you exactly what I mean..." show testimonials "with testimonials like this, will people notice & want to know more?"

Closing Questions:
1. Which market do you think has most potential? Why?
2. Do you think you can COPY and SHOW others this simple 5min presentation?
3. What would you like to do now?
4. Ask the 5 Golden Questions to build relationship.

⌚"So, how to start?":
1. Transform Yourself (w/ TRA)
2. Recover Investment Fast (Become Exec w/ TRA123)
3. Transform Others w/ TRA &Opportunity.

Go Go Go Istanbul! 

Willing Tan

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