Wednesday, January 2, 2013


* S2G. Dealing with Rejection?

Consider this....

1. "It is because people reject this industry, that I know this industry will be here forever." If everyone were to do Nu Skin, there would not be an opportunity for you, right? [Where most see a crisis, you will see an Opportunity. Take advantage now.]

2. Your friends may reject this biz, but did you realize that there are many others who do it.
"Nu Skin is part of the worldwide direct selling industry that represents more than 90 million independent sales people who sell nearly $154 billion of goods and services annually."
[You are not alone, you are just Early.]

3. Those who reject you the most, are probably your best business builders in future. Ask around, you'll be surprised that everyone was once a skeptic as well. [People who reject you, are probably waiting for the right questions to be asked by you or right event to be invited by you. Persist.]

4. You yourself once rejected this business too. But, now you are here, why? [You can't be the only one, right? There must be others who feel a need to change, leave a legacy, help others, make extra income etc. Believe it.]

5. Even if you waive RM50 and ask people if they want it on the street, will everyone want it? There are many who don't believe such an opportunity exists! How can you work hard and have passive income in 3-5years? [Be the example of leadership, health, youth & freedom that inspires them to believe.]

6. Why would highly successful & reputable people also do Nu Skin? They must be seeing Nu Skin differently...
A. 10MCM Joseph Cheung, Architect
B. 10MCM Kwan Tai Chi, Civil Eng & MBA
C. 1MCM Tan Juin Wen, Millionaire Stock Broker
D. 1MCM James Chia, Top Prudential Producer & CFA
E. BD Dahniel Poon, CEO & Entrepreneur
[They can make lots of money elsewhere, but they can't make more time, they don't have freedom of choice. And they are willing to start from zero just like you.]

7. Many still think Nu Skin is just a cosmetic company! They haven't heard of ageLOC Science and the revolution in anti-aging it will bring. [Change their perspective, sometimes, its just awareness. They JUST didn't know?! And all it takes, is you being there to deliver that message.]

8. Many of your friends haven't heard of your Personal Story yet to even realize why you would even consider doing Nu Skin. [Because MLM is linked with $$$, most people only think of Nu Skin as a $$$ business. People have values & principles, when they feel yours, they see a different picture of Nu Skin. Communicate your values & principles.]

9. Some of your friends have not seen or experience enough of your transformation or improvements yet. You probably look, act, behave & think the same as before. And people may conclude that you will end up like before, not successful as you say you will be. [Have courage to change, improve your image, raise your standard, change your style, be youthful, act youthful, live youthful, appreciate more, thank more, share more, have more confidence, give more confidence etc.]

10. There are close to 1000+ Direct Selling companies in Malaysia. Only about 300 are registered with DSA. Can you name 10 successful ones? "Nu Skin, Elken, Amway, Avon, Herbalife, Usana, EExcel, Shaklee, Agape, CNI, DXN..." that means that the other 990+ aren't very popular or successful. Therefore, it is understandable that the public feels that 99% of direct selling companies don't succeed! [Accept it. It's a fact. It's actually a privilege to be among the TOP. And in 2014, we'll be #1 in SEA!]

"If you knew then, what you know now, you would probably be my upline."

Share this with 5 people. Show them the way.

Willing Tan

* S2G. SHOW TESTIMONIALS to handle Questions:

1) "Everybody has been talking to me about MLM!" ["Well then, you must have great leadership qualities! How did you develop them?... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials) that are like you. "]

2) "I've tried everything already!" ["You seem to be very determined to lose fat, sorry that none have worked for you so far. And I can tell you EXACTLY why they didn't work... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials) that tried other programs like you. "]

3) "I'm not disciplined at all." ["Well, if we were all disciplined, there would be no overweight people, right? But, we have a simple system; even personal development companies use to effectively teach people a new habit. Furthermore, if children and seniors can learn it, And so can you, if you really wanted to be healthy... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials) that are just like you. "]

4) "I'm actually very happy now." ["I'm happy for you. But, would you be happy 10yrs from now with inflation, retirement, childrens education, medical bills and living your dream lifestyle? What if you can maintain and improve your lifestyle? What if, learning a simple system can create passive income in 3-5yrs? What if you can reduce your taxes?... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials: 10MCM JuinWen, MCM Dr James Chia, PTE KC etc... ) that are exactly like you."]

"Lead with Passion"
Willing Tan

* S2G. Objection Analysis:

"Not for me."

Breakdown the objection to [Skill] vs. [Preference]. "Is it because you don't know how (skill) or you don't like network marketing (preference)?"

SKILL: "then, what are the skills needed to be good at this biz? (they give you some skills: talking, selling etc)... I see. Can these skills be learnt or are people born with them?" (So, they know it can be learnt)

PREFERENCE: "then, which part of this biz do you not like? The product, the hard work, the system, the money, talking to people or people saying 'no'?"

To have them APPRECIATE this biz, INSPIRE them with any of the following:
1. Give Gratitude to Introducer (nuetralize negativity)
2. Tell them People love sharing good things (make sharing a NOBLE duty)
3. Share Personal Story (your TURNING Point)
4. Stress that Right Choice is better than Working Hard. (eg. Circus Lion, Parachute Story, Parents Experience, EBSI, Retirement Plan)
5. Share Anti-Aging Market Size (to change perspective to Big Opportunity; which also handles Expensive, not for everyone, etc.)
6. Show testimonials. (People will be Amazed by the before & after results that they will forget their Objections)
7. Share how Innovation is making the Biz so Compelling than before (Technology, ageLOC, Scanner, 843+ MCM's, 5% 6 Generation etc.)

After that, Ask:
"Would it be ok if I introduce you to a very inspiring & effective biz leader?"


"Would it be ok if you can introduce good people like you to me?"

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. Massive Calling to Plant Flags and Inform ONLY. Isn't it BETTER that they hear it from you then from another person?!

"We are looking the Right Person, who is at the Right Time in their life, who interested Right Now. The rest, next year!"

"Hi! You got a minute? This will be quick! I'm calling to tell you something really exciting! This US company that I partner with (...yes, Nu Skin), just acquired a genetic research company called LifeGen, even Stanford University wants to work with us! I'm working with a few partners to expand in SEA. I'm not looking for investors, but people who are interested in micro franchising with very low capital. The technology we are launching in March is the biggest in the our history. It's called ageLOC R2. The reason I'm calling you, is just to let you know I'm in it and if you come across it, just remember you heard from me, ya?!

Btw, ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE , WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? (Wait for response, see below)...

Ok then... Would it be OK, if I swing by your place and pass you a brochure?... (yes)

Ok. See you then. I got go. I'm calling everyone I know. It's just 6mths away. (I call you sometime next week?)"

Call EVERYONE you know. If their response is:

1. Absolutely Not Interested!: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Call back every 1-2mths. Change script or invite for non-Nu Skin activities or "I know you are not interested, but can you at least give me 15mins to share why I'm doing this?"

2. Not interested: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

3. Not interested but "Good For You!": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

4. Interested: (Ask "Which part were you interested in?" "...Why?") Invite to BOM or Set up appointment to meet ASAP.

5. No response. Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Ask for referral.  

6. "I will let you know if got people.": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Call back after a week to follow up on email.

7. "Cannot one la...": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. "I see your point. But, the anti-aging market is just too BIG! Everyone wants to be healthy & energetic. There are more than 800 Millionaires. And if you make USD10K/mth after 10yrs. Ok what!?"

This is a RACE between you and other Nu Skin groups. You want to WIN!?

Willing Tan

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