Wednesday, January 2, 2013


* S2G. "Qualifying is like fishing... ��

Sometimes, you loosen (disqualify them) the string to see its urgency to live (swim away). 

Sometimes, you tighten (be confident & dream big) the string to see its willingness to change (hungry to follow). 

Sometimes, you cut (kiv prospect) the string to find a better fish (timing & maturity). 

Sometimes, you use a different bait (success stories & testimonials). 

But, you fish every time."


* S2G. "How to Get Permission to Share the Napkin BOM"

1. "Would it be OK, if I showed you something that changed my life in only 5mins?"

2. "A friend of mine just taught me a very simple biz model, can I show you? It'll only take 5 minutes."

3. "What do you think happens, when you combine compounding interest & franchising together?"

4. "Do you know why Berjaya group bought so many master franchising licenses?"

5. "Which is more : People you know or People you don't know?... So, what is the lowest cost way you can think of, to market to people you don't know?"

6. "Do you know why so many Successful people, like doctors, lawyers, bankers, engineers choose to give up their careers, and build their wealth through network marketing?"

7. "Do you know how many Starbucks are there worldwide? (18,000)... Would you like to know how normal people like you and me, with almost no capital can also own 18,000 franchises?"

Go Go Go Istanbul! 


How to start an Anti-Aging Big Opportunity Sharing:

"Let me share with you why I'm really Excited about this biz... Would a business of addiction be a good business, like smoking & gambling? Do you know health is also a business of addiction too?... So, is that a big market?

What is the biggest organ in your body? Its the Skin! So, is skin care a big market?

Which floor is the most expensive rental at Parkson? That's right, the floor that sells cosmetics? People all want to look younger, right? Is that a big market?

Do you know Japan is a Leading Edge economy? Almost everything we do, from food, technology & fashion is because we follow Japan. By 2020, the average age will be 65yrs old. Do you think the anti-aging market is going to be big there? Absolutely! So, the rest of the world will follow! So, is health & beauty a big market?

But, the big question is, how do you make any money from this big market?

We don't want to miss it right? Let me show you how you can..."

Now, show the 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625 -5% 6 Levels business plan.

"Every franchise you develop, you make USD150, if you build 10, you make USD1500. If you want USD15,000, you build 100. But, you dont have time to build 100, so, you just teach your 10 to build 10 each! Simple. "

Then invite to BOM or show company background, testimonials & ageLOC Technology videos.

"Practice being a BUSINESS PERSON, that's where BIG BUSINESS is."

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. When talking to Higher Level People:

1) Ask for their OPINION on the opportunity, they like to GIVE advice. When they see it, they will be CURIOUS to know more.

2) Describe to them the 4 TYPES of people you are looking for, they will be CURIOUS 'why you are looking for such HIGH QUALITY people'

3) Act like a BUSINESSMAN or ENTREPRENEUR, who has EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS to the worlds most advance anti-aging solution. YOU have the information they don't.

4) Be CONFIDENT about your DECISION, because you have what they WANT, but they don't know it yet. :) "I don't know if you see it, but to me I'm very clear. This market will only get bigger. And I'm very confident this company will lead the industry..."

5) Remember, they may have to report to a BOSS too! And they don't have passive income. What's their retirement plan? Lifestyle?

Willing Tan

* S2G. ageLOC GAMMA Ticket sample Script:

"Hi! Can I show you something Exciting?  

TIME magazine published an article that reveals how the choices we make can change our GENES. It's a BREAKTHROUGH in science!

NU SKIN SCIENTISTS collaborating with LIFEGEN and STAFFORD University have Identified 200+ genes responsible for obesity and are able to RESET them to their youthful state, it's called ageLOC GAMMA. We are about to LAUNCH it next September!

What's more Exciting... DISCOVERY CHANNEL is also having a full hour segment on Nu Skin's Groundbreaking ageLOC Science this month! Be sure to watch it!

By the way, Nu Skin, is a NYSE Listed company, Considered the 'APPLE of the Anti-Aging Industry' by Motley Fool, given the HIGHEST credit rating of 5A1 by Dunn & Bradstreet, awarded 8 times by The American Business Award for Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility and Ranked TOP 5 in Forbes 100 Most Trustworthy Companies.

Do you know, the estimated sales of this ageLOC GAMMA launch will exceed USD700Million! It will be BIGGER than ALL the product launches of the top 100 MLM Companies COMBINED!

I'm just CURIOUS, would you like to know more about this PIONEERING opportunity? (Yes! Please!)

Well, let me invite you to this opportunity presentation at Paradise Rainbow Hotel on Dec 15th 130pm. Do you know where it is?... Great!"

Go Istanbul!!

Willing Tan

* S2G. Have your team complete this ABC Template before meet up.

ABC Template.

0. Introducer:

1. Prospect Name:

2. Age:

3. Married & Children:

4. Occupation:

5. Needs: (opportunity, TRA, health)

6. Personality: (Supporter/Promoter/Controller/Analyzer)

7. Open to MLM:

8. Remarks: (history, relationship, key points, hot button?)

* Send to Adviser/Upline/Speaker Go Ruby!

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. Introducing ageLOC Gamma!

... As you can see, the anti-aging market is big, that can Only mean 1 thing... BIG Business Opportunity, especially for those who know what is coming and how to leverage it.

1. Last year Nu Skin acquired LifeGen Technologies. With 30yrs of Genetic Research, more than 18 US Patents & Global Publications, this acquisition has made Nu Skin the #1 Anti-Aging company in the world.

2. Combined with the Phenomenal Success of our Weight Management program, TRA in SEA, making SEA the Fastest growing region in the world with 22 Consecutive Quarters of growth, and now, ageLOC, the Next Generation Breakthrough Genetic Science, Nu Skin will be Introducing the BIGGEST PRODUCT LAUNCH ever in the HISTORY of Network Marketing in Oct 2013! Nu Skin has identified over 200 YGC's and is now able to Reset them to their active, healthy and high metabolic rate as when you were in your 20's! Can you imagine that?

3. We only have 14mths to Build a 100 Strong Global Distribution Channels to take advantage of this Limited Time Offer (LTO) Global Prelaunch of ageLOC Gamma (TRA). And help you make a 6 Fig commission in Oct 2013! There are already leaders who have made USD1.3M in 1 month because of our ageLOC R2 prelaunch in May. We can't afford to miss this.

4. There is an Old saying, "The future belongs to those that believe in their dreams." And this is Absolutely true. Everyone is looking for opportunity. And everybody knows its impossible to save for Financial Freedom. But, some people have figured out how live their Dreams & have Financial Freedom. Let me show you how you can make your dreams happen. And how to get started right away. Ok?

Show the plan 5% 6 Levels, show testimonials and Close LOI. Or invite to BOM or 1on1.

Willing Tan 陳威潾

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