Tuesday, January 8, 2013


* S2G. Zig Zigler on Prospecting & Selling:

"Prospecting. That word drives fear into the heart of the individual who doesn’t believe that selling something to someone is for their benefit and overall well-being. We all prospect and don’t even know we’re doing it. When you start the dating process, you are actually prospecting for the person you want to marry. When you’re interviewing employees, you are prospecting for someone who will best fi t your needs. When you have a product to sell, you need someone to sell it to, so you have to go out and find the folks who need what you have. If you don’t believe that their lives will be better because of what you have to sell them, then you are either selling the wrong thing or you are selling it to the wrong person. A true prospect needs your product, has a potential desire to own that product and has the financial ability to make that decision.

Prospecting becomes second nature when you can implement my quote: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” When you are truly interested in other people, you will learn what they are interested in and if they have a need for your product. If they like you, and most people like folks who take an interest in them, they’ll help you find people who do need what you have to sell, even if they don’t.

Here is the secret to being super-successful at marketing and dispelling the “evils” of selling: Build rapport, educate, help, teach and give your prospects something of value before you ever even ask for a sale. Follow this recipe, and your prospects will actually enjoy the process of being sold.

When you approach your market to sell, remember: People love to be sold, but they hate to be pressured. So out with the hype, arm-twisting and high pressure, and in with the proven formula that turns “selling” into a great experience for all parties involved and provides:

1. Education.

2. Benefits.

3. Value.

How do you feel when you are in an environment where someone is educating you and offering you something you really want? You don’t even perceive it as being sold; it’s enjoyable… even fun.

This is the selling environment you need to create to be successful in a skeptical, cynical marketplace."

Let's Change the Way the World See Nu Skin! 

Willing Tan

Consultative Selling

The following example is an application of the consultative selling skill that will eliminate your fear &  anxiety of losing your friends when you talk to people about your network marketing business opportunity.

Take note, learn & master the flow of the conversation. U can build a huge team over time with this skill.


"Are you presently working?"

- Yes I am.

"What kind of work do you do?"

- I work full time as a chef.

"How long have you been doing that?"

- About 22 years.

"Was this your first job?"

- Yes, I started straight from college.

"What drew you into this type of work?"

- I enjoyed cooking and figured I could travel the world as a
chef if I mastered it.

"Do you still enjoy doing it after 22 years?"

- I love it on one hand, but, well, you know how it is!

"What part of the job do you like the most?"

- Well, I like the fact that I work in a good restaurant and have people appreciate my food.

"I sense that's important to you?"

- Yes, it's nice to be recognized for the effort I put in.

"Anything else you like about it?"

- Yes, the freedom to create what dishes I like!

"Sounds interesting.  What in particular do you like about that?"

- Well, it gives me a feeling of independence and creativity.

"Is that important to you?"

- Yes, it is!  I think having self-worth is always important, don't you?

"Yes, I do!  How do you find it makes you feel when you have that?"

- A sense of achievement - pride, I guess!

"Would you change anything about your job as a chef if you could?"

- I sure would - the irregular hours, and the money.  The money
is very good but there's never enough to pay off all past debts I have.

"How do you feel about that?"

- Trapped!  I can't afford to leave, because the working conditions wouldn't change much elsewhere, so it's a little
frustrating and not so fulfilling anymore.

"Is there anything else you would change?"

- No, that's pretty much it, I think.

"Is being a chef still your passion or would you rather be doing something else if you could?"

- Actually, the truth is I would rather get out of the business. My heart is in working with a kids' project I've been heavily
involved in for the past few years.  It's a special needs group for children and I'd love to be able to raise funds and build a
healing center for them.

"How would that make you feel if you could do that?"

- Wonderful!  It's a real passion of mine.  There's nothing better than helping and watching those kids pick themselves up
and making something of themselves.

"So what's stopping you from getting what you want?"

- I can't afford it and I've got no idea how to get beyond that.

"What will you do if you can't realize this dream of yours?"

- I don't know!  I worry about it a lot.  I'm moving on in years and I can't imagine being a chef for the rest of my life.

"Have you looked for any work that would give you what you're seeking - the extra money and more time?"

- Yes, but I haven't found anything that is flexible enough to fit my irregular hours.

"What would you do if you could?"

- I've no idea at this point - like I said, everything I looked at doesn't give me the flexibility - it's a little frustrating!

"What's preventing you from making a change or doing it right now, apart from not finding the right thing?

- Nothing except there seems to be nothing around and I don't
think I have the skills to do anything else.

"Well, let me ask you something.  If something came along that fitted in with the hours you are working and allowed you to get the extra money you wanted, so you could pay off all your debts
and feel you were moving towards achieving your dream of building the care center - would you look at an opportunity like that?

- All the time!  Why?  Do you know of something like that?

At this stage, you can now go ahead and present your opportunity.


May you find the above valuable.

Let's meet each other at the top in our business success.

Contributed by Mary Lee

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