Wednesday, January 2, 2013


* S2G. "The most common buying signals to look for during a presentation:

- The prospect puts his hand to his chin.
- The prospect asks you questions about your product.
- The prospect makes a positive comment about your offer.
- The prospect leans forward as u show & demonstrate your product.
- The prospect makes a special request .
- The prospect answers yes to most of your commitment questions." - Hilton Johnson

Next: "...So, are you confident TRA program can help you lose fat and be fitter? Would you like Chocolate or Vanilla? Can I hv your IC pls to complete the paperwork?"

Willing Tan

* S2G. CLOSING. Some people just need a gentle nudge of confidence and certainty to finaly decide to buy, here's how...

1. [STRETCH] "Ok. This is the hardest thing to do.  If you can do this, then TRA is simple! How much water do you drink a day?... (2-3 liters)... Good, if you can drink 3-4 liters (add 1-2 liters more) then you definitely can do TRA!" [If they believe they can do the HARDEST thing, then everything else is SIMPLER.]

2. [RELIEVE] "OK! Now, I don't want you to talk to anyone. NOBODY. Why? Because, you don't know how, and you will make mistakes. So, please don't until I teach you EXACTLY what to say, ok?" [For analyzers & supporters, who are afraid to commit or think that they have to share and talk to people, relieve them of this STRESS.]

3. [GOLDEN SILENCE] When given ANY objection. "... (remain silent for 3 seconds while NODDING your head)... I see your point, I'd feel the same way/good question. Based on my experience, I can suggest a few options..." [The 3 sec pause creates Trust, Professionalism & Curiosity. You don't look desperate to close, but CARING to think of a solution for them. Eg. Doctor's do this.]

4. [CONNECT] TRA is already CONVINCING & GREAT. But, start your sharing by "I'm really very grateful of my friend/relative... I used to feel very frustrated for not being able to lose weight... I'm so happy now, because I feel... " [Share your PERSONAL STORY to build rapport & CONNECT, EXPOSE your weakness & realization. Be Human not a Salesman.]

5. [3 MAGIC WORDS - MCM JuinnWen] "Will I lose weight?" YEEEESS! "Really?!" CAAAANN! "Sure or not?!" ABSOLUTELY!!! [Your prospects want TRA to transform their health & lives, lend them your CONFIDENCE & ENTHUSIASM to take the FIRST step.]

Go Go Go Istanbul!

Willing Tan

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