Wednesday, January 2, 2013


* S2G. "10 SECRETS I wish I knew when I STARTED, that STOPPED me from taking ACTION"

by Willing Tan 陳威潾

Recording by KP, Thank you!

1. Don't be comfortable now (3-5yrs). You will be VERY comfortable later. Nothing is easy, there are no shortcuts. ACCEPT it. Try working until you retire!? The SUCCESSFUL ones get there FASTER because they BELIEVE it, BEFORE they SEE it.

2. Make FRIENDS with EVERYONE! You will want an UNLIMITED supply of prospects to make a difference to. The ONLY reason people quit is when they have no prospects. Attract people with your ENERGY & POSITIVELY!

3. Don't be afraid to represent Nu Skin. You will ONLY attract courage when you are fearless. If you are not confident, because you haven't got much results (money or title) yet, be confident about the CHOICE you made, because you BELIEVE. Your prospects are looking for your confidence in your FIRM & UNWAVERING DECISION.

4. Don't stop LEARNING & GROWING. You will NOT want to be the same as you are 6 mths from now. To handle the MOST challenges & the BIGGEST objections, you must be BIGGER than you are now. LEARN to EARN, then RETURN.

5. Don't argue, fight or gossip. Your energy is PRECIOUS, don't waste it. Your ego is OVERATED, don't let it control you. Fighting with pigs, only makes you dirty too. Don't be proud you WON the fight, be gracious that they GAVE you the WIN.

6. Don't stop GIVING & CONTRIBUTING even when you have not received. The only time you can TAKE, is when you TAKE time to give some more. GIVERS GAIN, they always do. If you CATCH yourself complaining, you are a WINNER already!

7. Don't be EMOTIONAL when you dont get your results. It's ok to feel bad. Don't stay down. Don't stay away. Don't stay low. Instead, FORCE yourself to GET UP, LOOK UP & LINK UP. Know that there are others with far worse conditions than you. Be THANKFUL!

8. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Be afraid of not making any. Nu Skin is the most forgiving business. Quickly make the mistakes so you can teach your team. Take RISK to experience the JOY of LEARNING from mistakes.

9. Don't LIMIT yourself by CONSTANTLY saying: "I can't." "I'm not the type." "I don't know." "I won't" You only attract similar people. If you can drive, read newspaper, you can LEARN a system to create Passive Income! Don't be Lazy!

10. Don't try to be Great SOMETIMES... Be CONSISTENTLY good (share, use & invite), and you will be GREAT FOREVER. Be CONSISTENT in behavior, attitude, action, thought & image. Consistency creates Reliability, Reliability creates Trust and Trust creates PROFITS. Profits = FREEDOM!


With Admiration, Willing Tan 陳威潾& KC 江康晉

Be a Force for Good

* S2G. Another Point Of View from "21st Century Biz School" by Robert Kiyosaki:

"Here is something for you to ponder over.

Cash Flow Gives You Time And Financial Freedom:

Will you choose to work on another job that pay you $100,000 per year but not sure if you will still have the job next year? Or will you work on Nu Skin business for the next 3-5 years and you will receive a constant stream of cash flow each month in passive income?

Many of us like to have investment property that give us monthly rental income, don't we?

Nu Skin business is no different from a Investment Property that pay you rental income except that it does not  require you to have a huge capital to get started.

How much do you think your property need to cost you if you want to earn a monthly rental income of $5,000? (Will be a few millions!)

And how long will it takes you to work and save before you can own such a property?

What if you choose to work hard for the next 3-5 years and you create  a $5000 per month passive income  (many will earn more than this), what do think is the value of your business?

Assuming a market rate of investment return at just 3% per year, your Nu Skin business will be $2Million!*

So, it makes sense to build the Nu Skin business, isn't it?

* Here is the computation if you are interested:
($5000X12mth) / 3% = $2 million"

Go Istanbul!

From Mary@Sg
Willing Tan

Sunday Leadership Thoughts:

Nu Skin biz requires Consistent effort. Although sudden spurts of growth is great and economically viable. Solid passive income is created by strong leadership and perseverance.

Leadership takes time to grow, nurture & develop. It also takes large amounts of overcoming obstacles, training &  training others, taking action, making calls, growing your network, prospecting, leading by example and doing whatever it takes.

Most quit too soon to enjoy the benefits they invested, to harvest the seeds they planted, to practice the skills they learned, to apply the leadership they developed & to attract the leaders they have become.

Remember the Asian Bamboo, 5 feet in 5 years, but 90 feet in 90 days! Why? The 1st 5 years was needed to grow the roots to sustain its 90 feet growth!

To Do's:
1. Know that your Dream (Vision, Children, Parents) can only be achieved through Nu Skin. "Become Type 5: Time, Wealth, Health, Youth & Happiness" - 10MCM Philip Cheung.

2. Ask yourself if you have done your best? Review the message: "Why I haven't found Biz Builders yet?" Get Feedback, Change, Drop Ego, Persist, Believe, Believe, Believe.

3. Empower your team to Duplicate your Principles & Actions. Religiously. Daily. Weekly. Consistently.

Go Go Go Istanbul!
Go Go Go Ruby!
Willing Tan

* S2G. Sunday's Leadership Thoughts :

"I want Freedom, but I need to be Discipline to have it.

I want Choices, but I need to make A Decision to have it.

I want Success, but I need to make Sacrifices to have it.

I want Permanent Security, but I need to Change to have it.

I want to be Comfortable, but I need to be Uncomfortable to have it.

I want to be Right, but I need to admit I can be Wrong to have it."

 Notice, that, what we want, Freedom, Choices, Success, Security, Comfort or being Right, requires that we be the Exact Opposite FIRST! 

We must work hard on being Disciplined & Consistent, committing to one Decision, be willing to Sacrifice, seek to Change ourselves, being Uncomfortable and Humble & being Conscious of Ego, always & forever. It's a FACT. That IS the way!

 And I know we CAN. I know you CAN. Because TODAY is a GIFT, that we are GIVEN to do it AGAIN, to do it BETTER, to do our BEST, to Be All That We Can Be. And To Lead by Example and show the WORLD, our Family, our Children & our Team, that they can achieve their DREAMS too! 



With admiration,
Willing Tan 陳威潾

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