Wednesday, January 2, 2013


 S2G Pg: GREAT NEWS Hi ......, Recently Discovery Channel interviewed our company because of our breakthrough technology, ageLOC. Would you like to... ☑ Meet the CREATOR of ageLOC Technology! ☑ Did you know, Discovery Channel interviewed Dr. Joseph Chang and his scientists about ageLOC?! ☑ Understand how ageLOC can TURN back your CLOCK! ☑ Find out who & how they can benefit from being ageLOC R². ☑ How would you like to be 50, but feel like 20?! It's Possible! It's my privilege to invite you to Eastin Hotel on 28 Mar (630pm, registration. 7pm Start) to this very special talk.  Speaker Background: NU SKIN Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Product Development, Dr. Joseph Chang (Zeng Runhai) a Doctorate in Pharmacology at the University of London, and completed his post doctorate research at the John Hopkins University School of Public Health. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, he has published many papers, including the subject and author of 65 monographs and reviews 21, 47 research reports, and has published more than 55 papers in professional-reviewed journals (Open Access Journal). His book "The Aging Myth: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Looking And Feeling Young" was listed on the New York Times Bestseller list on the very first week!  Please call me now for ticket booking. FYI: It will be a sell out event! Thank you!" Massively invite everbody that u know!!! Lets ROCK PG!  Yvon

* S2G."What I do, is working in partnership with a company deeply involved in genetic research into anti-aging and commercial product development.  My role is to look for serious business partners in order to establish and expand global product distribution channels...sometime in the future, would you like to know more?"


* S2G. "How to Invite Effectively for TRA"

1. Always Qualify BEFORE Inviting.

2. Have a Caring SMILE as you Invite.

3. DON'T ever Close Product when Inviting

GREET & ASK FOR PERMISSION: "Hi! You have a minute?"


"The reason I'm calling you, is to share with you something amazing, I lost x Xkg and Ykg fat...(or other areas like no longer taking diabetic, BP or Cholesterol medicine, my doctor friend looks so young and handsome after losing 10kg, I can fit into my S size skirt!)."


"The program is a US Patented 12 wk program. There is no starving & you still enjoy food, you gain muscle while losing fat, you don't rebound and over 150 doctors have SUCCESSFULLY done it.. ... One day in the future, would you like to know more?"


1. "Ok, Great! Let me arrange my coach to meet with you. He is really good and has helped so many people transform their health. Do you know where Egate is?..."

2. "Ok, Great! There is a briefing about the program on Sat. I want to introduce you to my coach. He is really good and has helped so many people transform their health. Do you know where Egate is?..."


1. "I see. Check out this blog of testimonials of friends that my coach helped transform: I'll call you back in a few days." 2. "I see. How about we meet 1 week from now..."

This way you don't get rejection, because you ONLY invite after you QUALIFIED their interest.

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G.

Invite your KL/PG friends to :

- Explore the Anti-Aging market trends.

- Review the ageLOC breakthrough science.

- Observe the Culture & Infrastructure of the Company.

- Understand why successful people would also consider this business venture.

- Consider the Global Franchising Opportunity to Diversify & Create Multiple Passive Income Streams.


S2G. Inviting Techniques:

1) [Market Size] "Don't make a decision now, in fact all I want you to see, is how BIG the market really is. After all, its something worth taking a look at and there is nothing to lose... Meet me at ... 730pm, you know where it is? Great! See you!"

2) [Due Diligence] "One of the Best things I did for myself was to understand this biz better. I wanted to hear and see the leadership and system for myself. That's why I'm inviting you to come have a look as well. Would it be OK, if you can be my guest for this evening?..wonderful, you'll be very impressed, I was!"

3) [T-Up Speaker] "This might not be your cup of tea. It wasn't for me too. But, I was very curious as to why a very successful Engineering Manager with 6 US Patents and a 5 Fig income would quit and do it full time!? I mean, there must be something he is seeing that I didn't notice. Would it be OK, if I introduce him to you? He is a great guy and a very inspiring speaker."

4) [Don't want to lose friends?] "Bro, You know I've invited you many times, and we have been friends since... And I know you told me you were terribly busy/not interested. How about this...? Would it be OK, if we have a quick lunch OR you give me 15mins to tell you why I'm serious about this biz venture. I promise I will never bug you again on Nu Skin, so the next time, when I call, I promise its not about Nu Skin, OK, so don't avoid my call, ya? I'm coming over now."

5) [Invite for Review] "Hey! ...You got a minute?...Did you know Warren Buffet owns 3 network marketing companies?! ... I just found out how one of them, now owns 18 US Patents on Youth Gene Expression Technology! They are expanding in Asia and soon Vietnam. This industry is really going to BOOM...I'm going to be seriously focusing on this for the next 5yrs. Btw, they have a briefing this Thursday at 730pm. Would it be OK if you help me review their strategy and plan. You may know people to refer me."

"Lead with Passion!"
Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G: COLD CALL / REFERRAL Inviting Script from PTE KC:

"Hi, I'm (prospect name).

I got your contact from (referral name). I'm in the weight management / anti-aging industry.

I help people to lose fat, gain muscle and look 5-10 years younger. (Wait for response)...

(Opt. We have also helped many people including many doctors to reduce Hi BP, Blood sugar etc.)

One day in the future, would you like to know more? (Wait for response)...

Would it be okay if I swing by your place and pass you a brochure about weight management / anti-aging?"

Thanks, Jasmine!
Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. Massive Calling to Plant Flags and Inform ONLY. Isn't it BETTER that they hear it from you then from another person?!

"We are looking the Right Person, who is at the Right Time in their life, who interested Right Now. The rest, next year!"

"Hi! You got a minute? This will be quick! I'm calling to tell you something really exciting! This US company that I partner with (...yes, Nu Skin), just acquired a genetic research company called LifeGen, even Stanford University wants to work with us! I'm working with a few partners to expand in SEA. I'm not looking for investors, but people who are interested in micro franchising with very low capital. The technology we are launching in March is the biggest in the our history. It's called ageLOC R2. The reason I'm calling you, is just to let you know I'm in it and if you come across it, just remember you heard from me, ya?!

Btw, ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE , WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? (Wait for response, see below)...

Ok then... Would it be OK, if I swing by your place and pass you a brochure?... (yes)

Ok. See you then. I got go. I'm calling everyone I know. It's just 6mths away. (I call you sometime next week?)"

Call EVERYONE you know. If their response is:

1. Absolutely Not Interested!: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Call back every 1-2mths. Change script or invite for non-Nu Skin activities or "I know you are not interested, but can you at least give me 15mins to share why I'm doing this?"

2. Not interested: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

3. Not interested but "Good For You!": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

4. Interested: (Ask "Which part were you interested in?" "...Why?") Invite to BOM or Set up appointment to meet ASAP.

5. No response. Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Ask for referral.  

6. "I will let you know if got people.": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Call back after a week to follow up on email.

7. "Cannot one la...": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. "I see your point. But, the anti-aging market is just too BIG! Everyone wants to be healthy & energetic. There are more than 800 Millionaires. And if you make USD10K/mth after 10yrs. Ok what!?"

This is a RACE between you and other Nu Skin groups. You want to WIN!?

Willing Tan

Nu Skin Biz Script:

"What I do, is working in partnership with a NY listed company deeply involved in genetic research into anti-aging and commercial product development. My role is to look for a few potential business partners in order to establish and expand global product distribution channels in SEA. Would it be OK if I show you how big the market opportunity is?"

If there is RESISTANCE...

(From MCM & TE Tan JuinnWen) "I'm not here to convince you about MLM, all I want to do is to show you the #1 Anti-Aging company in the world, and I can PROVE it."

Compelling & Indisputable Facts why Nu Skin is #1:

1. Follow the SMART MONEY.

Institutional Funds hold 91% of NUS. Top 3 Investment Funds : Fidelity, Vanguard & Blackrock (together they manage USD3-4Trillion worth of investment)!

2. Anti-aging Products TRA & ageLOC.

Acquisition of LifeGen Technologies. 30 years genetic research, 18 US Patents, 500 Million data points & USD100Million grant by US Government (to study Obesity genes).

3. SEA Growing at 33% per year, over the last 4 years. Fastest Growing Region. Significant achievement & Leadership. Landmark Achievement: Nu Skin paid RM100M in less than a year! #1 MLM in Singapore.

Why Nu Skin Biz is Amazing?


1. SIMPLE: "It's not easy to manage 52 markets & be constantly innovating new products. So, all we do is the simple stuff, 'Look our best & talk to people'."

2. SCALABLE: "Facebook is so successful because it is scalable. Starbucks is scalable. Franchising is scalable. Network Marketing is highly scalable, but without the cost & risk. "

3. SUSTAINABLE: "Business in smoking, drinking & gambling is very profitable, because it is addictive. But, ethically we don't do it. Do you know that health is also addictive as well. When you look good & feel young, I'm sure you don't want to feel old, right?"

Then, lead to TRA123 as a starting point to create those channels. Ask for 25 people to meet. Close 5 to make RM10K in their 2nd month.

Willing Tan 陳威潾

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