Sunday, January 20, 2013


* S2G. How to ENHANCE your Napkin BOM?

PRIMARY Intention: Recruit Biz Builder (TRA sign up & Schedule 48hr Training)

SECONDARY Purpose: Recruit Consumer: Close w/ LifePak & G3 ARO, ageLOC Spa or ageLOC R² (1/3 mth).

5 Key Areas:
1. Mercedes logo: Emphasize & Quantify Market Size. If the market is BIG, there will be DEMAND. And with Big Demand, it will overcome ANY Objection (saturation, expensive, rejection etc). e.g. Beauty: 7 Billion people have Skin, Anti-Aging will be USD1Trillion by 2025, Weight Mgmt is USD600Billion by 2016; >50% Overweight in SEA, 75% in USA, 1 Billion overweight Globally! etc

2. Leverage: 2, 4, 8....  5, 25, 125... Emphasize "... by sharing w/ only 3 more friends, you can reach >19,000 people! This is leverage."

3. Starbucks: Emphasize that franchising is very successful method, 18,000 franchises create USD810Million per month. Power of distribution channel (leverage).

4. 5+25+125=155: Emphasize "The best way for you to leverage such a big market (point to Market in the Mercedes logo), w/o high capital, w/o risk, is with a proven business plan: 5% 6 Generation... USD23K/mth..." Doubling Effect, >850 Millionaires.

5. Franchising Tool: Emphasize system, duplication. "Just like any franchise, we need powerful tools & system, such as the Omron machine & the TRA System. Let me show you exactly what I mean..." show testimonials "with testimonials like this, will people notice & want to know more?"

Closing Questions:
1. Which market do you think has most potential? Why?
2. Do you think you can COPY and SHOW others this simple 5min presentation?
3. What would you like to do now?
4. Ask the 5 Golden Questions to build relationship.

⌚"So, how to start?":
1. Transform Yourself (w/ TRA)
2. Recover Investment Fast (Become Exec w/ TRA123)
3. Transform Others w/ TRA &Opportunity.

Go Go Go Istanbul! 

Willing Tan

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Nu Skin Facts

1. Global Record Highest Sales USD2.17 Billion (2012)

2. 1 of Only 11 NYSE listed companies to Exceed USD1Billion in annual sales.

3. SEA is Fastest Growing Region with 22 Consecutive Quarters of growth.

4. M.A.D.E. has largest number of: Professionals & Doctors.

5. Listed 5th on Forbes 100 Most Trustworthy Company.

6. 2009 Jan 12th: Forbes Top 10 Stock to BUY

7. Record Stock Growth: NUS grew 600% since 2009.

8. The Only Anti-Aging Company to Win 14 Stevie's Awards (International & Business Awards).

9. The MOST Effective Fat Loss Program: TRA is ~50% of Nu Skin MY sales.

10. Nu Skin has USD1 Billion on Cash & Assets.

11. The Highest Credit Rating by Dunn & Bradstreet, 5A1 for >16yrs (Higher than HSBC, Citigroup, Toyota, Sony).

12. Created the MOST Millionaire's >850 USD Millionaire's in 28yrs. (350 in 18yrs. 8 yrs later it Doubled!)

13. Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are among the Fastest Growing Countries of 52 countries in 2011.

14. Nu Skin pays the Highest Commission to its Distributors on prestigious NYSE (43%, USD950Million, 2012)

15. Extensive Product Research & Development budget: USD1Million per Product.

16. Most Number (38) of Universities in Scientific Research & Collaboration. And over USD1.25 Billion spent on product innovation over the past decade.

17. The Only Nutritional Company that gives a Performance Guarantee with the Award Winning BioPhotonic Antioxidant Scanner (Non-invasive, Proven, Fast and aired on CNN, CNBC, FOX etc)

18. TRA is the Only Complete, Well Balanced, US Patented (U.S. Patent No. 7,476,406) & HSA Certified Safe Weight Management Program in the World.

19. Has the MOST Attractive Business Plan: 5% 6 Generations of Breakaway 'Franchises' and has paid > USD9 Billion in the past 28yrs.

20. The ONLY Company to be able IDENTIFY, TARGET and RESET Youth Gene Clusters. World class Gene Innovation with >18 US Patents, >30 Global Scientific Publications Worldwide & 30 years of Proprietary Gene Research by recently acquiring LifeGen Technologies.

With Admiration,
Willing Tan 陳威潾 & KC 江康晉

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


* S2G. Zig Zigler on Prospecting & Selling:

"Prospecting. That word drives fear into the heart of the individual who doesn’t believe that selling something to someone is for their benefit and overall well-being. We all prospect and don’t even know we’re doing it. When you start the dating process, you are actually prospecting for the person you want to marry. When you’re interviewing employees, you are prospecting for someone who will best fi t your needs. When you have a product to sell, you need someone to sell it to, so you have to go out and find the folks who need what you have. If you don’t believe that their lives will be better because of what you have to sell them, then you are either selling the wrong thing or you are selling it to the wrong person. A true prospect needs your product, has a potential desire to own that product and has the financial ability to make that decision.

Prospecting becomes second nature when you can implement my quote: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” When you are truly interested in other people, you will learn what they are interested in and if they have a need for your product. If they like you, and most people like folks who take an interest in them, they’ll help you find people who do need what you have to sell, even if they don’t.

Here is the secret to being super-successful at marketing and dispelling the “evils” of selling: Build rapport, educate, help, teach and give your prospects something of value before you ever even ask for a sale. Follow this recipe, and your prospects will actually enjoy the process of being sold.

When you approach your market to sell, remember: People love to be sold, but they hate to be pressured. So out with the hype, arm-twisting and high pressure, and in with the proven formula that turns “selling” into a great experience for all parties involved and provides:

1. Education.

2. Benefits.

3. Value.

How do you feel when you are in an environment where someone is educating you and offering you something you really want? You don’t even perceive it as being sold; it’s enjoyable… even fun.

This is the selling environment you need to create to be successful in a skeptical, cynical marketplace."

Let's Change the Way the World See Nu Skin! 

Willing Tan

Consultative Selling

The following example is an application of the consultative selling skill that will eliminate your fear &  anxiety of losing your friends when you talk to people about your network marketing business opportunity.

Take note, learn & master the flow of the conversation. U can build a huge team over time with this skill.


"Are you presently working?"

- Yes I am.

"What kind of work do you do?"

- I work full time as a chef.

"How long have you been doing that?"

- About 22 years.

"Was this your first job?"

- Yes, I started straight from college.

"What drew you into this type of work?"

- I enjoyed cooking and figured I could travel the world as a
chef if I mastered it.

"Do you still enjoy doing it after 22 years?"

- I love it on one hand, but, well, you know how it is!

"What part of the job do you like the most?"

- Well, I like the fact that I work in a good restaurant and have people appreciate my food.

"I sense that's important to you?"

- Yes, it's nice to be recognized for the effort I put in.

"Anything else you like about it?"

- Yes, the freedom to create what dishes I like!

"Sounds interesting.  What in particular do you like about that?"

- Well, it gives me a feeling of independence and creativity.

"Is that important to you?"

- Yes, it is!  I think having self-worth is always important, don't you?

"Yes, I do!  How do you find it makes you feel when you have that?"

- A sense of achievement - pride, I guess!

"Would you change anything about your job as a chef if you could?"

- I sure would - the irregular hours, and the money.  The money
is very good but there's never enough to pay off all past debts I have.

"How do you feel about that?"

- Trapped!  I can't afford to leave, because the working conditions wouldn't change much elsewhere, so it's a little
frustrating and not so fulfilling anymore.

"Is there anything else you would change?"

- No, that's pretty much it, I think.

"Is being a chef still your passion or would you rather be doing something else if you could?"

- Actually, the truth is I would rather get out of the business. My heart is in working with a kids' project I've been heavily
involved in for the past few years.  It's a special needs group for children and I'd love to be able to raise funds and build a
healing center for them.

"How would that make you feel if you could do that?"

- Wonderful!  It's a real passion of mine.  There's nothing better than helping and watching those kids pick themselves up
and making something of themselves.

"So what's stopping you from getting what you want?"

- I can't afford it and I've got no idea how to get beyond that.

"What will you do if you can't realize this dream of yours?"

- I don't know!  I worry about it a lot.  I'm moving on in years and I can't imagine being a chef for the rest of my life.

"Have you looked for any work that would give you what you're seeking - the extra money and more time?"

- Yes, but I haven't found anything that is flexible enough to fit my irregular hours.

"What would you do if you could?"

- I've no idea at this point - like I said, everything I looked at doesn't give me the flexibility - it's a little frustrating!

"What's preventing you from making a change or doing it right now, apart from not finding the right thing?

- Nothing except there seems to be nothing around and I don't
think I have the skills to do anything else.

"Well, let me ask you something.  If something came along that fitted in with the hours you are working and allowed you to get the extra money you wanted, so you could pay off all your debts
and feel you were moving towards achieving your dream of building the care center - would you look at an opportunity like that?

- All the time!  Why?  Do you know of something like that?

At this stage, you can now go ahead and present your opportunity.


May you find the above valuable.

Let's meet each other at the top in our business success.

Contributed by Mary Lee

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


* S2G. Dealing with Rejection?

Consider this....

1. "It is because people reject this industry, that I know this industry will be here forever." If everyone were to do Nu Skin, there would not be an opportunity for you, right? [Where most see a crisis, you will see an Opportunity. Take advantage now.]

2. Your friends may reject this biz, but did you realize that there are many others who do it.
"Nu Skin is part of the worldwide direct selling industry that represents more than 90 million independent sales people who sell nearly $154 billion of goods and services annually."
[You are not alone, you are just Early.]

3. Those who reject you the most, are probably your best business builders in future. Ask around, you'll be surprised that everyone was once a skeptic as well. [People who reject you, are probably waiting for the right questions to be asked by you or right event to be invited by you. Persist.]

4. You yourself once rejected this business too. But, now you are here, why? [You can't be the only one, right? There must be others who feel a need to change, leave a legacy, help others, make extra income etc. Believe it.]

5. Even if you waive RM50 and ask people if they want it on the street, will everyone want it? There are many who don't believe such an opportunity exists! How can you work hard and have passive income in 3-5years? [Be the example of leadership, health, youth & freedom that inspires them to believe.]

6. Why would highly successful & reputable people also do Nu Skin? They must be seeing Nu Skin differently...
A. 10MCM Joseph Cheung, Architect
B. 10MCM Kwan Tai Chi, Civil Eng & MBA
C. 1MCM Tan Juin Wen, Millionaire Stock Broker
D. 1MCM James Chia, Top Prudential Producer & CFA
E. BD Dahniel Poon, CEO & Entrepreneur
[They can make lots of money elsewhere, but they can't make more time, they don't have freedom of choice. And they are willing to start from zero just like you.]

7. Many still think Nu Skin is just a cosmetic company! They haven't heard of ageLOC Science and the revolution in anti-aging it will bring. [Change their perspective, sometimes, its just awareness. They JUST didn't know?! And all it takes, is you being there to deliver that message.]

8. Many of your friends haven't heard of your Personal Story yet to even realize why you would even consider doing Nu Skin. [Because MLM is linked with $$$, most people only think of Nu Skin as a $$$ business. People have values & principles, when they feel yours, they see a different picture of Nu Skin. Communicate your values & principles.]

9. Some of your friends have not seen or experience enough of your transformation or improvements yet. You probably look, act, behave & think the same as before. And people may conclude that you will end up like before, not successful as you say you will be. [Have courage to change, improve your image, raise your standard, change your style, be youthful, act youthful, live youthful, appreciate more, thank more, share more, have more confidence, give more confidence etc.]

10. There are close to 1000+ Direct Selling companies in Malaysia. Only about 300 are registered with DSA. Can you name 10 successful ones? "Nu Skin, Elken, Amway, Avon, Herbalife, Usana, EExcel, Shaklee, Agape, CNI, DXN..." that means that the other 990+ aren't very popular or successful. Therefore, it is understandable that the public feels that 99% of direct selling companies don't succeed! [Accept it. It's a fact. It's actually a privilege to be among the TOP. And in 2014, we'll be #1 in SEA!]

"If you knew then, what you know now, you would probably be my upline."

Share this with 5 people. Show them the way.

Willing Tan

* S2G. SHOW TESTIMONIALS to handle Questions:

1) "Everybody has been talking to me about MLM!" ["Well then, you must have great leadership qualities! How did you develop them?... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials) that are like you. "]

2) "I've tried everything already!" ["You seem to be very determined to lose fat, sorry that none have worked for you so far. And I can tell you EXACTLY why they didn't work... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials) that tried other programs like you. "]

3) "I'm not disciplined at all." ["Well, if we were all disciplined, there would be no overweight people, right? But, we have a simple system; even personal development companies use to effectively teach people a new habit. Furthermore, if children and seniors can learn it, And so can you, if you really wanted to be healthy... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials) that are just like you. "]

4) "I'm actually very happy now." ["I'm happy for you. But, would you be happy 10yrs from now with inflation, retirement, childrens education, medical bills and living your dream lifestyle? What if you can maintain and improve your lifestyle? What if, learning a simple system can create passive income in 3-5yrs? What if you can reduce your taxes?... Let me show you some people (TRA testimonials: 10MCM JuinWen, MCM Dr James Chia, PTE KC etc... ) that are exactly like you."]

"Lead with Passion"
Willing Tan

* S2G. Objection Analysis:

"Not for me."

Breakdown the objection to [Skill] vs. [Preference]. "Is it because you don't know how (skill) or you don't like network marketing (preference)?"

SKILL: "then, what are the skills needed to be good at this biz? (they give you some skills: talking, selling etc)... I see. Can these skills be learnt or are people born with them?" (So, they know it can be learnt)

PREFERENCE: "then, which part of this biz do you not like? The product, the hard work, the system, the money, talking to people or people saying 'no'?"

To have them APPRECIATE this biz, INSPIRE them with any of the following:
1. Give Gratitude to Introducer (nuetralize negativity)
2. Tell them People love sharing good things (make sharing a NOBLE duty)
3. Share Personal Story (your TURNING Point)
4. Stress that Right Choice is better than Working Hard. (eg. Circus Lion, Parachute Story, Parents Experience, EBSI, Retirement Plan)
5. Share Anti-Aging Market Size (to change perspective to Big Opportunity; which also handles Expensive, not for everyone, etc.)
6. Show testimonials. (People will be Amazed by the before & after results that they will forget their Objections)
7. Share how Innovation is making the Biz so Compelling than before (Technology, ageLOC, Scanner, 843+ MCM's, 5% 6 Generation etc.)

After that, Ask:
"Would it be ok if I introduce you to a very inspiring & effective biz leader?"


"Would it be ok if you can introduce good people like you to me?"

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. Massive Calling to Plant Flags and Inform ONLY. Isn't it BETTER that they hear it from you then from another person?!

"We are looking the Right Person, who is at the Right Time in their life, who interested Right Now. The rest, next year!"

"Hi! You got a minute? This will be quick! I'm calling to tell you something really exciting! This US company that I partner with (...yes, Nu Skin), just acquired a genetic research company called LifeGen, even Stanford University wants to work with us! I'm working with a few partners to expand in SEA. I'm not looking for investors, but people who are interested in micro franchising with very low capital. The technology we are launching in March is the biggest in the our history. It's called ageLOC R2. The reason I'm calling you, is just to let you know I'm in it and if you come across it, just remember you heard from me, ya?!

Btw, ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE , WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? (Wait for response, see below)...

Ok then... Would it be OK, if I swing by your place and pass you a brochure?... (yes)

Ok. See you then. I got go. I'm calling everyone I know. It's just 6mths away. (I call you sometime next week?)"

Call EVERYONE you know. If their response is:

1. Absolutely Not Interested!: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Call back every 1-2mths. Change script or invite for non-Nu Skin activities or "I know you are not interested, but can you at least give me 15mins to share why I'm doing this?"

2. Not interested: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

3. Not interested but "Good For You!": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

4. Interested: (Ask "Which part were you interested in?" "...Why?") Invite to BOM or Set up appointment to meet ASAP.

5. No response. Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Ask for referral.  

6. "I will let you know if got people.": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Call back after a week to follow up on email.

7. "Cannot one la...": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. "I see your point. But, the anti-aging market is just too BIG! Everyone wants to be healthy & energetic. There are more than 800 Millionaires. And if you make USD10K/mth after 10yrs. Ok what!?"

This is a RACE between you and other Nu Skin groups. You want to WIN!?

Willing Tan


* S2G. "Qualifying is like fishing... ��

Sometimes, you loosen (disqualify them) the string to see its urgency to live (swim away). 

Sometimes, you tighten (be confident & dream big) the string to see its willingness to change (hungry to follow). 

Sometimes, you cut (kiv prospect) the string to find a better fish (timing & maturity). 

Sometimes, you use a different bait (success stories & testimonials). 

But, you fish every time."


* S2G. "How to Get Permission to Share the Napkin BOM"

1. "Would it be OK, if I showed you something that changed my life in only 5mins?"

2. "A friend of mine just taught me a very simple biz model, can I show you? It'll only take 5 minutes."

3. "What do you think happens, when you combine compounding interest & franchising together?"

4. "Do you know why Berjaya group bought so many master franchising licenses?"

5. "Which is more : People you know or People you don't know?... So, what is the lowest cost way you can think of, to market to people you don't know?"

6. "Do you know why so many Successful people, like doctors, lawyers, bankers, engineers choose to give up their careers, and build their wealth through network marketing?"

7. "Do you know how many Starbucks are there worldwide? (18,000)... Would you like to know how normal people like you and me, with almost no capital can also own 18,000 franchises?"

Go Go Go Istanbul! 


How to start an Anti-Aging Big Opportunity Sharing:

"Let me share with you why I'm really Excited about this biz... Would a business of addiction be a good business, like smoking & gambling? Do you know health is also a business of addiction too?... So, is that a big market?

What is the biggest organ in your body? Its the Skin! So, is skin care a big market?

Which floor is the most expensive rental at Parkson? That's right, the floor that sells cosmetics? People all want to look younger, right? Is that a big market?

Do you know Japan is a Leading Edge economy? Almost everything we do, from food, technology & fashion is because we follow Japan. By 2020, the average age will be 65yrs old. Do you think the anti-aging market is going to be big there? Absolutely! So, the rest of the world will follow! So, is health & beauty a big market?

But, the big question is, how do you make any money from this big market?

We don't want to miss it right? Let me show you how you can..."

Now, show the 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625 -5% 6 Levels business plan.

"Every franchise you develop, you make USD150, if you build 10, you make USD1500. If you want USD15,000, you build 100. But, you dont have time to build 100, so, you just teach your 10 to build 10 each! Simple. "

Then invite to BOM or show company background, testimonials & ageLOC Technology videos.

"Practice being a BUSINESS PERSON, that's where BIG BUSINESS is."

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. When talking to Higher Level People:

1) Ask for their OPINION on the opportunity, they like to GIVE advice. When they see it, they will be CURIOUS to know more.

2) Describe to them the 4 TYPES of people you are looking for, they will be CURIOUS 'why you are looking for such HIGH QUALITY people'

3) Act like a BUSINESSMAN or ENTREPRENEUR, who has EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS to the worlds most advance anti-aging solution. YOU have the information they don't.

4) Be CONFIDENT about your DECISION, because you have what they WANT, but they don't know it yet. :) "I don't know if you see it, but to me I'm very clear. This market will only get bigger. And I'm very confident this company will lead the industry..."

5) Remember, they may have to report to a BOSS too! And they don't have passive income. What's their retirement plan? Lifestyle?

Willing Tan

* S2G. ageLOC GAMMA Ticket sample Script:

"Hi! Can I show you something Exciting?  

TIME magazine published an article that reveals how the choices we make can change our GENES. It's a BREAKTHROUGH in science!

NU SKIN SCIENTISTS collaborating with LIFEGEN and STAFFORD University have Identified 200+ genes responsible for obesity and are able to RESET them to their youthful state, it's called ageLOC GAMMA. We are about to LAUNCH it next September!

What's more Exciting... DISCOVERY CHANNEL is also having a full hour segment on Nu Skin's Groundbreaking ageLOC Science this month! Be sure to watch it!

By the way, Nu Skin, is a NYSE Listed company, Considered the 'APPLE of the Anti-Aging Industry' by Motley Fool, given the HIGHEST credit rating of 5A1 by Dunn & Bradstreet, awarded 8 times by The American Business Award for Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility and Ranked TOP 5 in Forbes 100 Most Trustworthy Companies.

Do you know, the estimated sales of this ageLOC GAMMA launch will exceed USD700Million! It will be BIGGER than ALL the product launches of the top 100 MLM Companies COMBINED!

I'm just CURIOUS, would you like to know more about this PIONEERING opportunity? (Yes! Please!)

Well, let me invite you to this opportunity presentation at Paradise Rainbow Hotel on Dec 15th 130pm. Do you know where it is?... Great!"

Go Istanbul!!

Willing Tan

* S2G. Have your team complete this ABC Template before meet up.

ABC Template.

0. Introducer:

1. Prospect Name:

2. Age:

3. Married & Children:

4. Occupation:

5. Needs: (opportunity, TRA, health)

6. Personality: (Supporter/Promoter/Controller/Analyzer)

7. Open to MLM:

8. Remarks: (history, relationship, key points, hot button?)

* Send to Adviser/Upline/Speaker Go Ruby!

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. Introducing ageLOC Gamma!

... As you can see, the anti-aging market is big, that can Only mean 1 thing... BIG Business Opportunity, especially for those who know what is coming and how to leverage it.

1. Last year Nu Skin acquired LifeGen Technologies. With 30yrs of Genetic Research, more than 18 US Patents & Global Publications, this acquisition has made Nu Skin the #1 Anti-Aging company in the world.

2. Combined with the Phenomenal Success of our Weight Management program, TRA in SEA, making SEA the Fastest growing region in the world with 22 Consecutive Quarters of growth, and now, ageLOC, the Next Generation Breakthrough Genetic Science, Nu Skin will be Introducing the BIGGEST PRODUCT LAUNCH ever in the HISTORY of Network Marketing in Oct 2013! Nu Skin has identified over 200 YGC's and is now able to Reset them to their active, healthy and high metabolic rate as when you were in your 20's! Can you imagine that?

3. We only have 14mths to Build a 100 Strong Global Distribution Channels to take advantage of this Limited Time Offer (LTO) Global Prelaunch of ageLOC Gamma (TRA). And help you make a 6 Fig commission in Oct 2013! There are already leaders who have made USD1.3M in 1 month because of our ageLOC R2 prelaunch in May. We can't afford to miss this.

4. There is an Old saying, "The future belongs to those that believe in their dreams." And this is Absolutely true. Everyone is looking for opportunity. And everybody knows its impossible to save for Financial Freedom. But, some people have figured out how live their Dreams & have Financial Freedom. Let me show you how you can make your dreams happen. And how to get started right away. Ok?

Show the plan 5% 6 Levels, show testimonials and Close LOI. Or invite to BOM or 1on1.

Willing Tan 陳威潾


* S2G. Speakers Profile for Saturday's 24th Nov. Super Live Young Expo in KL.

BD Oliver Lim :  B. of Business Administration majoring in International Marketing. Owns a HR consulting firm specializing in management and behaviour consulting.  Oliver is a speaker and writer in subjects related to Human Capital Management.  Also trained in nutrition and Metabolism, Oliver is also a well sought after corporate speaker in work life health, weight and lifestyle management. He also co-owns a not-for-profit cooking school with the purpose of providing children with proper nutrition and is the chief trainer for the school.

PTE Willing Tan, an engineer by profession, Business Entrepreneur, Ex-Engineering Manager, Executive Business Coach, Trainer & Motivator. Willing has worked for one of the largest telecommunications company for +13yrs, he holds 6 US Patents, coached Fortune 500 company GM's & Executives, has trained thousands of entrepreneurs, loves watching movies and playing basketball with his daughter & enjoys morning breakfasts with his wife, KC & parents.

Find out Why they Reinvented their careers & Reinstalled a new mindset & Re-Tyred their life!

"If you knew for sure that you could be better, live younger & have more time, wouldn't you give yourself a chance to just take a look?"

Come meet them on Saturday 24th Nov @ Nu Skin Malaysia Head Quarters, KL. Level 2. 2-330pm.

Bring your spouse & your friends & enjoy an afternoon of Discovery! =)


* S2G. "Re-tyre Younger Re-tyre Richer." by PTE Willing Tan, Business Entrepreneur, Ex-Engineering Manager, Executive Business Coach, Trainer & Motivator. Willing has worked for one of the largest telecommunications company for +13yrs, he holds 6 US Patents, coached Fortune 500 company GM's & Executives, has trained thousands of entrepreneurs, loves watching movies and playing basketball with his daughter & morning breakfasts with his wife,KC & parents.

Find out Why he Reinvented his career & Reinstalled a new mindset & Re-Tyred his life! "If you knew then, what you know now, would you begin again?"

Come meet Willing & KC tomorrow at Nu Skin Malaysia Head Quarters, KL, 7pm, Wednesday. Bring your spouse or your friend & enjoy an evening of Discovery! =)



Is the income or current business you are currently earning/doing "Simple, scalable, sustainable?"

These are the exact 3 words 1MCM cum TE Tan Juinn Wen asked his prospects! If your prospects' current income or business do not contain these 3 elements, then they MUST come and listen to him personally Tom evening 8pm at Darby Park!

Find out why "Simple, scalable, sustainable" is crucial in doing a business from the former Deputy Director of MTI of Singapore, who used ro report to the current SG Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Thereafter, he went to London and did institutional stockbroking before he was headhunted for the position of Sales Director of Kim Eng Securities in Singapore.

Go go go,
Nadira Cassandra Lee
Fyi....  * S2G. SuperBOM details. Dear Leaders! Here’s some information that you may like to use for inviting friends to the Super BOM on Sunday, 24th March 2013 Venue : 111 Somerset Rd, #16-05 Time: 3pm to 5pm (Tea Break Starts at 3pm, guests are invited for Tea, SBOM will start at 3.30pm) Dress Code : Business Ticket Price : S$20 per pax ✅10 Million Dollar Circle Member & Team Elite Joseph Cheung Joseph graduated with a Bachelor of  Architecture and worked for a huge Architectural firm successfully for many years before he chanced upon the Nu Skin Business in 1990.  He attended a Business Seminar with the intention of helping a friend to evaluate Nu Skin as a company.  He took up the business eventually after listening to Dr Lang Chow present a wonderful business model.  Would you like to know what this successful Architect saw by accident?   ✅1 Million Dollar Circle Member & Team Elite Tan Juinn Wen Juinn Wen graduated from London School of Economics as a Government Scholar and worked as Deputy Director of Trades & industry upon his return.  His direct supervisor was then, Mr Lee Hsien Loong.  His last post was Sales Director of Kim Eng Securities as an Institutional Stock Broker.  In his own words, “evaluating companies and recommending them to clients to invest in is my bread & butter.  Nu Skin’s business and financial strength is truly impressive.”  He was introduced to the business by Mr Bob Howe (Ex-President and Chief Investment Officer of AIG) & Ms Amy Yip (Regional Director of Bearing Securities, Japan).  Want to find out why these people in a ‘Macho’ industry is doing Nu Skin and what do they see in the company as institutional Stock Brokers? ✅Blue Diamond Executive Dr Lam Ying Keat Ying Keat graduated from National University of Singapore as a Dental Surgeon.  He currently the MD of a chain of dentistry, including one located in “The Paragon”.  She was introduced to the Nu Skin business by a patient who came running into her clinic with a bad tooth ache. People often asked Ying Keat why she would rather do this business rather then be a Dental Surgeon.  She will explain why on the 24th of March. From BD Oliver Leverage. 李振芳


* S2G. "10 SECRETS I wish I knew when I STARTED, that STOPPED me from taking ACTION"

by Willing Tan 陳威潾

Recording by KP, Thank you!

1. Don't be comfortable now (3-5yrs). You will be VERY comfortable later. Nothing is easy, there are no shortcuts. ACCEPT it. Try working until you retire!? The SUCCESSFUL ones get there FASTER because they BELIEVE it, BEFORE they SEE it.

2. Make FRIENDS with EVERYONE! You will want an UNLIMITED supply of prospects to make a difference to. The ONLY reason people quit is when they have no prospects. Attract people with your ENERGY & POSITIVELY!

3. Don't be afraid to represent Nu Skin. You will ONLY attract courage when you are fearless. If you are not confident, because you haven't got much results (money or title) yet, be confident about the CHOICE you made, because you BELIEVE. Your prospects are looking for your confidence in your FIRM & UNWAVERING DECISION.

4. Don't stop LEARNING & GROWING. You will NOT want to be the same as you are 6 mths from now. To handle the MOST challenges & the BIGGEST objections, you must be BIGGER than you are now. LEARN to EARN, then RETURN.

5. Don't argue, fight or gossip. Your energy is PRECIOUS, don't waste it. Your ego is OVERATED, don't let it control you. Fighting with pigs, only makes you dirty too. Don't be proud you WON the fight, be gracious that they GAVE you the WIN.

6. Don't stop GIVING & CONTRIBUTING even when you have not received. The only time you can TAKE, is when you TAKE time to give some more. GIVERS GAIN, they always do. If you CATCH yourself complaining, you are a WINNER already!

7. Don't be EMOTIONAL when you dont get your results. It's ok to feel bad. Don't stay down. Don't stay away. Don't stay low. Instead, FORCE yourself to GET UP, LOOK UP & LINK UP. Know that there are others with far worse conditions than you. Be THANKFUL!

8. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Be afraid of not making any. Nu Skin is the most forgiving business. Quickly make the mistakes so you can teach your team. Take RISK to experience the JOY of LEARNING from mistakes.

9. Don't LIMIT yourself by CONSTANTLY saying: "I can't." "I'm not the type." "I don't know." "I won't" You only attract similar people. If you can drive, read newspaper, you can LEARN a system to create Passive Income! Don't be Lazy!

10. Don't try to be Great SOMETIMES... Be CONSISTENTLY good (share, use & invite), and you will be GREAT FOREVER. Be CONSISTENT in behavior, attitude, action, thought & image. Consistency creates Reliability, Reliability creates Trust and Trust creates PROFITS. Profits = FREEDOM!


With Admiration, Willing Tan 陳威潾& KC 江康晉

Be a Force for Good

* S2G. Another Point Of View from "21st Century Biz School" by Robert Kiyosaki:

"Here is something for you to ponder over.

Cash Flow Gives You Time And Financial Freedom:

Will you choose to work on another job that pay you $100,000 per year but not sure if you will still have the job next year? Or will you work on Nu Skin business for the next 3-5 years and you will receive a constant stream of cash flow each month in passive income?

Many of us like to have investment property that give us monthly rental income, don't we?

Nu Skin business is no different from a Investment Property that pay you rental income except that it does not  require you to have a huge capital to get started.

How much do you think your property need to cost you if you want to earn a monthly rental income of $5,000? (Will be a few millions!)

And how long will it takes you to work and save before you can own such a property?

What if you choose to work hard for the next 3-5 years and you create  a $5000 per month passive income  (many will earn more than this), what do think is the value of your business?

Assuming a market rate of investment return at just 3% per year, your Nu Skin business will be $2Million!*

So, it makes sense to build the Nu Skin business, isn't it?

* Here is the computation if you are interested:
($5000X12mth) / 3% = $2 million"

Go Istanbul!

From Mary@Sg
Willing Tan

Sunday Leadership Thoughts:

Nu Skin biz requires Consistent effort. Although sudden spurts of growth is great and economically viable. Solid passive income is created by strong leadership and perseverance.

Leadership takes time to grow, nurture & develop. It also takes large amounts of overcoming obstacles, training &  training others, taking action, making calls, growing your network, prospecting, leading by example and doing whatever it takes.

Most quit too soon to enjoy the benefits they invested, to harvest the seeds they planted, to practice the skills they learned, to apply the leadership they developed & to attract the leaders they have become.

Remember the Asian Bamboo, 5 feet in 5 years, but 90 feet in 90 days! Why? The 1st 5 years was needed to grow the roots to sustain its 90 feet growth!

To Do's:
1. Know that your Dream (Vision, Children, Parents) can only be achieved through Nu Skin. "Become Type 5: Time, Wealth, Health, Youth & Happiness" - 10MCM Philip Cheung.

2. Ask yourself if you have done your best? Review the message: "Why I haven't found Biz Builders yet?" Get Feedback, Change, Drop Ego, Persist, Believe, Believe, Believe.

3. Empower your team to Duplicate your Principles & Actions. Religiously. Daily. Weekly. Consistently.

Go Go Go Istanbul!
Go Go Go Ruby!
Willing Tan

* S2G. Sunday's Leadership Thoughts :

"I want Freedom, but I need to be Discipline to have it.

I want Choices, but I need to make A Decision to have it.

I want Success, but I need to make Sacrifices to have it.

I want Permanent Security, but I need to Change to have it.

I want to be Comfortable, but I need to be Uncomfortable to have it.

I want to be Right, but I need to admit I can be Wrong to have it."

 Notice, that, what we want, Freedom, Choices, Success, Security, Comfort or being Right, requires that we be the Exact Opposite FIRST! 

We must work hard on being Disciplined & Consistent, committing to one Decision, be willing to Sacrifice, seek to Change ourselves, being Uncomfortable and Humble & being Conscious of Ego, always & forever. It's a FACT. That IS the way!

 And I know we CAN. I know you CAN. Because TODAY is a GIFT, that we are GIVEN to do it AGAIN, to do it BETTER, to do our BEST, to Be All That We Can Be. And To Lead by Example and show the WORLD, our Family, our Children & our Team, that they can achieve their DREAMS too! 



With admiration,
Willing Tan 陳威潾


* S2G. For EXECUTIVES ONLY: "5 Essential Steps of Duplicating & Improving Results of your Downlines." As a leader, your KEY responsibility is to COACH for EFFECTIVENESS (EXCELLENCE & REPEATABILITY). Take these steps when your downline creates Positive Results.

So that they register the Success & Acknowledge the feeling of Victory. Describe the feeling, enjoy it, share it & experience it. If results were not as expected, look for the things that were done right and acknowledge that. 

Because luck is not duplicable, they need to know EXACTLY what was done that created that result or success. E.g. Focused, urgent, more confident, more passionate, Excited, straight to the point, warmer, caring, using certain tools, words, testimonials, stories etc. These factors are absolutely DUPLICABLE! 

If results weren't as expected, what could have been better? What SPECIFIC areas can be improved, enhanced, avoided, modified, leveraged more, emphasized more, their image, neatness, timing, professionalism, consistency etc. 

Who can they share this success story, lessons learned, tips, techniques, methods with? By sharing they will be teaching & duplicating, and ultimately creating COMPOUNDING PASSIVE INCOME (CPI). 

5. WHO'S NEXT (Prospect) ?
The best time to close a case, is when they just closed a case. So, immediately GO TO or IDENTIFY another prospect to meet or share. Leverage the learning, momentum & Energy to transform more peoples lives. 

"Now you are DUPLICATING STARS!" 

80 DAYS! 


"So, I drop already. What to do?"

1. See things in a BIGGER PERSPECTIVE. Nobody succeeded overnight. Nobody has a smooth ride. Everyone has challenges. That's what makes them strong, wise & resilient (tahan lasak). Eg. Sahatad Ong, 21yrs old, took 16 mths to become an Exec. He is now a MCM & Team Elite with 10+ BD's under him. Eleena Williams was a Lapis for 12 yrs before becoming a Team Elite. A new Exec, HaMinRang from Korea, lost all her Executives. She was in a slump. But, now, she is a new Diamond Executive! The important thing is to learn from this experience and do better.

2. Ask was it "WITHIN your CONTROL?" or if it was any one of these areas that could have been done better:
A. System: Understand, Leverage, Duplicate & Ownership.
B. Skill: Attend 5+1 Training System, Practice & Review.
C. Education & Mindset: Read Business School, Financial Planner View of MLM, HOPE & Brilliant Compensation etc.
D. Tools: Use Testimonials, Flip charts, Forms etc.
E. Commitment: Attended BOM, SuperBOM, Success Seminar, Forum etc. Use products.
F. Communication: Have regular coaching/review with Upline/Ruby/BD/TE & Follow Up with Prospects, Customers & Builders.

3. FOCUS on your GOAL. What is it you want to achieve from Nu Skin business for YOUR FAMILY? Is it important? Why is it IMPORTANT? Can you do better? What would you do different, knowing what you know now? What would a leader you admire do? What advice would you give yourself?

4. You want to be STRONGER. So, challenges & set backs are there for a purpose. To make you stronger than you thought you were. To make you stronger for your downlines & family, so that they can rely on your strength when they think they have none. You can't build muscles picking up a pencil a hundred times. You can't fly with gravity. "Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills." - Jim Rohn.

5. Let's Review your FFFBC again. Who can we make a difference to? Let's begin again with Gratitude, Heart & Tencity! With your experience, you can only get BETTER!

Willing Tan

* S2G. Why MUST we read daily?

1. Everybody knows it feels great when we accomplish a task.
2. We definitely have lots to learn that will make us better.
3. Everyone wants to be more Effective & Productive.

Therefore, when we read 15-20mins a day, we accomplish a simple task, learn & become better.

The MOST VALUABLE part of this, is that DESPITE not able to get the invite, close the prospect or attend the meeting, at the very least, we accomplished 15-20mins of personal development. That, my friends, is the GREATEST BENEFIT. The acknowledgement of being able to keep your word, complete a simple task and with that, builds TREMENDOUS PERSONAL BELIEF and SELF ESTEEM. "It is this simple ROUTINE, that creates an unstoppable MOMENTUM of BELIEF, that makes a person to take the next ACTION towards their DREAMS." - Antony Robbins (Why Some People Take Massive Action and Some Don't).

"I did it! I can!"

"The Power of Reading, starts the Power of Leading."

Read a little. Grow a lot. Attract more. Need a book suggestion ask your Ruby/BD Exec (MADE Reading list).

Willing Tan


* S2G. Determined Day 13:

1. Talkative, Fun, Loud, Exciting People: Talk about Achievements, Travel, Lifestyle, Shopping, Celebrities & Brands. [Promoter]

2. Friendly, Caring, Reliable People: Talk slowly & caringly about Charity, Helping others, FFG/NTC, Nature & Friendship. [Supporter]

3. Detailed, Thoughtful, Quiet, Stubborn People: Talk about Specifics, System, Clinical Studies, Data & No Risk. [Analyser]

4. Decisive, Dominant, Serious People: Talk w/ certainty about Success, Millionaires, Big Money, Big Vision & Market Share. [Controller]

5. Watch video "4 Quadrant Personalities" By Brian Tracy (Case Sensitive): [Be Skilled]

"Lead with Passion!" Willing Tan 陳威潾

From HK:

Network Marketing 101:

Network marketing is not about selling products or earning income.

The biggest popular misconception about network marketing is that it's a direct selling business. It is NOT.

Selling is just earning more income. If you stop the activity, the income stops. Selling is necessary and important in network marketing but it must not be all that you do.

Instead, if you want to achieve time & financial freedom, focus majority of your time on building your network - i.e.

1) Knowing how and doing the activities that build your people network,

2) Recruit people into your business team,

3) Train, Lead & Retain and help the team mates to become successful.

Network marketing is about building a business asset. And your asset is the people within your team.

The goal is not for you or any other individual to sell a lot of products; it's for a lot of people to be their own best customer, sell and service a reasonable number of customers, and recruit and show a lot of other people how to do the same thing.

* S2G. "10 SECRETS I wish I knew when I STARTED, that STOPPED me from taking ACTION"

1. Don't be comfortable now (3-5yrs). You will be VERY comfortable later. Nothing is easy, there are no shortcuts. ACCEPT it. Try working until you retire!? The SUCCESSFUL ones get there FASTER because they BELIEVE it, BEFORE they SEE it.

2. Make FRIENDS with EVERYONE! You will want an UNLIMITED supply of prospects to make a difference to. The ONLY reason people quit is when they have no prospects. Attract people with your ENERGY & POSITIVELY!

3. Don't be afraid to represent Nu Skin. You will ONLY attract courage when you are fearless. If you are not confident, because you haven't got much results (money or title) yet, be confident about the CHOICE you made, because you BELIEVE. Your prospects are looking for your confidence in your FIRM & UNWAVERING DECISION.

4. Don't stop LEARNING & GROWING. You will NOT want to be the same as you are 6 mths from now. To handle the MOST challenges & the BIGGEST objections, you must be BIGGER than you are now. LEARN to EARN, then RETURN.

5. Don't argue, fight or gossip. Your energy is PRECIOUS, don't waste it. Your ego is OVERATED, don't let it control you. Fighting with pigs, only makes you dirty too. Don't be proud you WON the fight, be gracious that they GAVE you the WIN.

6. Don't stop GIVING & CONTRIBUTING even when you have not received. The only time you can TAKE, is when you TAKE time to give some more. GIVERS GAIN, they always do. If you CATCH yourself complaining, you are a WINNER already!

7. Don't be EMOTIONAL when you dont get your results. It's ok to feel bad. Don't stay down. Don't stay away. Don't stay low. Instead, FORCE yourself to GET UP, LOOK UP & LINK UP. Know that there are others with far worse conditions than you. Be THANKFUL!

8. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Be afraid of not making any. Nu Skin is the most forgiving business. Quickly make the mistakes so you can teach your team. Take RISK to experience the JOY of LEARNING from mistakes.

9. Don't LIMIT yourself by CONSTANTLY saying: "I can't."  "I'm not the type." "I don't know." "I won't" You only attract similar people. If you can drive, read newspaper, you can LEARN. Don't be Lazy!

10. Don't try to be Great SOMETIMES. Be CONSISTENTLY good (share, use & invite), and you will be GREAT FOREVER. Be CONSISTENT in behavior, attitude, action, thought & image. Consistency creates Reliability, Reliability creates Trust and Trust creates PROFITS. Profits = FREEDOM!


With Admiration,
Willing Tan 陳威潾 & KC 江康晉

Be a Force for Good

Attract It!

* S2G. "Why I haven't found builders yet?"

1. Energy:
You wouldn't be attracted to Low Energy people, right? And so would your friends. Energy comes from being 100% Confident in your DECISION (not results). Is your every THOUGHT, BEHAVIOR & ACTION aligned with High Energy?

2. Leadership:
Are you Communicating your Vision every time? With Vision, you Inspire. With Inspiration, you have Influence. And with Influence, you have Leadership. What is your Vision? How many people do you want to help get a Type 5 life?

3. Character:
List 5 Characteristics (Decisive, Caring, Detailed, Empowering, Charasmatic etc) of yourself, and rate yourself. Find ways to increase them. Do people know your strengths? Why not? Its your branding.

4. Experience:
Have you presented to 100 people to Practice handling their Objections? Learned their fears, showed them other Choices and took RISK to Open up their minds? Experience gives Wisdom. Wisdom is attractive!

5. Numbers:
Finding 4 Executives in a list of 10 is almost impossible. Finding 4 in 50 is possible. Finding 4 in 100 is even more possible. Finding 4 in 300 is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE! Grow your name list Every DAY!

6. Positive:
The Universe will ALWAYS give you what you want. When you 'SIGH...' when you can't find a builder, the Universe will find more reasons for you to 'SIGH...'. Be Positive, Seek Value & Builders will come.

7. Timing:
Everyone is busy at their work, stressed & afraid of the future. Most don't have the time to think or are too afraid to think about it. Have patience & work hard to be prepared for them when they decide to join.

8. Resourceful:
Be a helpful & caring person to ANYONE. People always appreciate caring people & would inturn help them succeed as well, through Referrals or spreading a Good word about you.

9. Work Hard:
Hard work is Required. Going to training when its raining, your favorite show is on, you got to change clothes, find TRA food, carry your laptop, see your upline face (when you have no results), take notes, listen to the same message again for the 25th time...IS hard work. Tell your BRAIN to shut up! Just do it.

10. Presentable:
Do you represent a Professional, Clean, Healthy & Nu Skin Image? Are you consistent in showing up as a product of the product? Do people compliment your image? Fresh, Alert, Urgent & Youthful?

11. Urgency:
Speed is Power. Yes, you will fall faster, but that only means, you will learn faster too! It's either you talk to your friends, of someone else will. Stop asking why you haven't found your builder. Start asking everyone you know if they heard of ageLOC GAMMA?!

12. Persist:
Persist. Persist. PERSIST!

"Think about it, you joined to do the biz, so, you can't be the only one, right?"



* S2G. "The most common buying signals to look for during a presentation:

- The prospect puts his hand to his chin.
- The prospect asks you questions about your product.
- The prospect makes a positive comment about your offer.
- The prospect leans forward as u show & demonstrate your product.
- The prospect makes a special request .
- The prospect answers yes to most of your commitment questions." - Hilton Johnson

Next: "...So, are you confident TRA program can help you lose fat and be fitter? Would you like Chocolate or Vanilla? Can I hv your IC pls to complete the paperwork?"

Willing Tan

* S2G. CLOSING. Some people just need a gentle nudge of confidence and certainty to finaly decide to buy, here's how...

1. [STRETCH] "Ok. This is the hardest thing to do.  If you can do this, then TRA is simple! How much water do you drink a day?... (2-3 liters)... Good, if you can drink 3-4 liters (add 1-2 liters more) then you definitely can do TRA!" [If they believe they can do the HARDEST thing, then everything else is SIMPLER.]

2. [RELIEVE] "OK! Now, I don't want you to talk to anyone. NOBODY. Why? Because, you don't know how, and you will make mistakes. So, please don't until I teach you EXACTLY what to say, ok?" [For analyzers & supporters, who are afraid to commit or think that they have to share and talk to people, relieve them of this STRESS.]

3. [GOLDEN SILENCE] When given ANY objection. "... (remain silent for 3 seconds while NODDING your head)... I see your point, I'd feel the same way/good question. Based on my experience, I can suggest a few options..." [The 3 sec pause creates Trust, Professionalism & Curiosity. You don't look desperate to close, but CARING to think of a solution for them. Eg. Doctor's do this.]

4. [CONNECT] TRA is already CONVINCING & GREAT. But, start your sharing by "I'm really very grateful of my friend/relative... I used to feel very frustrated for not being able to lose weight... I'm so happy now, because I feel... " [Share your PERSONAL STORY to build rapport & CONNECT, EXPOSE your weakness & realization. Be Human not a Salesman.]

5. [3 MAGIC WORDS - MCM JuinnWen] "Will I lose weight?" YEEEESS! "Really?!" CAAAANN! "Sure or not?!" ABSOLUTELY!!! [Your prospects want TRA to transform their health & lives, lend them your CONFIDENCE & ENTHUSIASM to take the FIRST step.]

Go Go Go Istanbul!

Willing Tan


* S2G. Presenting Sequence:
[This is a way to START a general conversation that LEADS to Biz/TRA.]

1. Sharing about trends & market size. Eg. Anti-aging market, wellness trends. "How big do you think the anti-aging market is?... Addiction... Fitness... Health..." [They will always agree with you.]

2. Link to Nu Skin opportunity. "That's the reason I see great potential in this opportunity/platform/distribution channel. This company I'm partnering is NY listed..." [Since they have agreed with you on the trends, they will continue to agree with you on Nu Skin's platform.]

3. Test for understanding. "How do you feel about network marketing?" [Listen and understand their considerations so that you can explain & clarify.]

4. Show the 5% 6 Generation plan. "Would you like to know the reason why there are more professionals in Nu Skin?" [Explain the plan with Flip Chart or Napkin Presentation & Impress them with MCM's created.]

5. Show Testimonials & Assess. "Now, Let me show you what the wonderful products do... This is me before & after...150 Doctors... Come, do you know your muscle %? Let's me do a quick assessment for you." [Impress them with your example, show a range of occupations in Nu Skin & health conditions that have been improved. Assess them on the Omron ASAP.]

6. Show TRA123. "If you lose fat & look fitter & younger, do you think friends would notice?... Would you like to see a simple way to lose your fat for free & get started?" [Introduce the TRA123 plan and keep it simple. Reflect back on their health concerns & pain. Provide value.]

7. Closing & . "So, if you like it, why not go ahead & start your transformation now?" or "Are you confident TRA can help you?" "If you are ready we can get started, your last name is... " [Look for buying signals (eg. hand to chin). Handle any concerns, eg. Cost & Give Value. Review 6 Step of Presenting TRA]

8. Drive The Line: "Who do you know that would be interested in this opportunity or be assessed or have health conditions they want to improve on?" [Write the names down and ask to meet them ASAP]

9. Arrange for 48hr Training. "Would it be ok to sit with you for about an hour tomorrow and show you how this business is done step by step?" [Make appointment with Upline Ruby+ & confirm time and venue. Prepare 48hr training handout.] 

10. Show Istanbul Plan. "Would you like an all expense paid trip to Exotic Istanbul? Let me show you!" [Draw out the time table to qualify Exec, win Nu Exec Getaway Camp, win Nu Exec Bonus RM2780 & Istanbul Trip]

Go Istanbul! Go Beijing!

Willing Tan


 S2G Pg: GREAT NEWS Hi ......, Recently Discovery Channel interviewed our company because of our breakthrough technology, ageLOC. Would you like to... ☑ Meet the CREATOR of ageLOC Technology! ☑ Did you know, Discovery Channel interviewed Dr. Joseph Chang and his scientists about ageLOC?! ☑ Understand how ageLOC can TURN back your CLOCK! ☑ Find out who & how they can benefit from being ageLOC R². ☑ How would you like to be 50, but feel like 20?! It's Possible! It's my privilege to invite you to Eastin Hotel on 28 Mar (630pm, registration. 7pm Start) to this very special talk.  Speaker Background: NU SKIN Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Product Development, Dr. Joseph Chang (Zeng Runhai) a Doctorate in Pharmacology at the University of London, and completed his post doctorate research at the John Hopkins University School of Public Health. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, he has published many papers, including the subject and author of 65 monographs and reviews 21, 47 research reports, and has published more than 55 papers in professional-reviewed journals (Open Access Journal). His book "The Aging Myth: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Looking And Feeling Young" was listed on the New York Times Bestseller list on the very first week!  Please call me now for ticket booking. FYI: It will be a sell out event! Thank you!" Massively invite everbody that u know!!! Lets ROCK PG!  Yvon

* S2G."What I do, is working in partnership with a company deeply involved in genetic research into anti-aging and commercial product development.  My role is to look for serious business partners in order to establish and expand global product distribution channels...sometime in the future, would you like to know more?"


* S2G. "How to Invite Effectively for TRA"

1. Always Qualify BEFORE Inviting.

2. Have a Caring SMILE as you Invite.

3. DON'T ever Close Product when Inviting

GREET & ASK FOR PERMISSION: "Hi! You have a minute?"


"The reason I'm calling you, is to share with you something amazing, I lost x Xkg and Ykg fat...(or other areas like no longer taking diabetic, BP or Cholesterol medicine, my doctor friend looks so young and handsome after losing 10kg, I can fit into my S size skirt!)."


"The program is a US Patented 12 wk program. There is no starving & you still enjoy food, you gain muscle while losing fat, you don't rebound and over 150 doctors have SUCCESSFULLY done it.. ... One day in the future, would you like to know more?"


1. "Ok, Great! Let me arrange my coach to meet with you. He is really good and has helped so many people transform their health. Do you know where Egate is?..."

2. "Ok, Great! There is a briefing about the program on Sat. I want to introduce you to my coach. He is really good and has helped so many people transform their health. Do you know where Egate is?..."


1. "I see. Check out this blog of testimonials of friends that my coach helped transform: I'll call you back in a few days." 2. "I see. How about we meet 1 week from now..."

This way you don't get rejection, because you ONLY invite after you QUALIFIED their interest.

Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G.

Invite your KL/PG friends to :

- Explore the Anti-Aging market trends.

- Review the ageLOC breakthrough science.

- Observe the Culture & Infrastructure of the Company.

- Understand why successful people would also consider this business venture.

- Consider the Global Franchising Opportunity to Diversify & Create Multiple Passive Income Streams.


S2G. Inviting Techniques:

1) [Market Size] "Don't make a decision now, in fact all I want you to see, is how BIG the market really is. After all, its something worth taking a look at and there is nothing to lose... Meet me at ... 730pm, you know where it is? Great! See you!"

2) [Due Diligence] "One of the Best things I did for myself was to understand this biz better. I wanted to hear and see the leadership and system for myself. That's why I'm inviting you to come have a look as well. Would it be OK, if you can be my guest for this evening?..wonderful, you'll be very impressed, I was!"

3) [T-Up Speaker] "This might not be your cup of tea. It wasn't for me too. But, I was very curious as to why a very successful Engineering Manager with 6 US Patents and a 5 Fig income would quit and do it full time!? I mean, there must be something he is seeing that I didn't notice. Would it be OK, if I introduce him to you? He is a great guy and a very inspiring speaker."

4) [Don't want to lose friends?] "Bro, You know I've invited you many times, and we have been friends since... And I know you told me you were terribly busy/not interested. How about this...? Would it be OK, if we have a quick lunch OR you give me 15mins to tell you why I'm serious about this biz venture. I promise I will never bug you again on Nu Skin, so the next time, when I call, I promise its not about Nu Skin, OK, so don't avoid my call, ya? I'm coming over now."

5) [Invite for Review] "Hey! ...You got a minute?...Did you know Warren Buffet owns 3 network marketing companies?! ... I just found out how one of them, now owns 18 US Patents on Youth Gene Expression Technology! They are expanding in Asia and soon Vietnam. This industry is really going to BOOM...I'm going to be seriously focusing on this for the next 5yrs. Btw, they have a briefing this Thursday at 730pm. Would it be OK if you help me review their strategy and plan. You may know people to refer me."

"Lead with Passion!"
Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G: COLD CALL / REFERRAL Inviting Script from PTE KC:

"Hi, I'm (prospect name).

I got your contact from (referral name). I'm in the weight management / anti-aging industry.

I help people to lose fat, gain muscle and look 5-10 years younger. (Wait for response)...

(Opt. We have also helped many people including many doctors to reduce Hi BP, Blood sugar etc.)

One day in the future, would you like to know more? (Wait for response)...

Would it be okay if I swing by your place and pass you a brochure about weight management / anti-aging?"

Thanks, Jasmine!
Willing Tan 陳威潾

* S2G. Massive Calling to Plant Flags and Inform ONLY. Isn't it BETTER that they hear it from you then from another person?!

"We are looking the Right Person, who is at the Right Time in their life, who interested Right Now. The rest, next year!"

"Hi! You got a minute? This will be quick! I'm calling to tell you something really exciting! This US company that I partner with (...yes, Nu Skin), just acquired a genetic research company called LifeGen, even Stanford University wants to work with us! I'm working with a few partners to expand in SEA. I'm not looking for investors, but people who are interested in micro franchising with very low capital. The technology we are launching in March is the biggest in the our history. It's called ageLOC R2. The reason I'm calling you, is just to let you know I'm in it and if you come across it, just remember you heard from me, ya?!

Btw, ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE , WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? (Wait for response, see below)...

Ok then... Would it be OK, if I swing by your place and pass you a brochure?... (yes)

Ok. See you then. I got go. I'm calling everyone I know. It's just 6mths away. (I call you sometime next week?)"

Call EVERYONE you know. If their response is:

1. Absolutely Not Interested!: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Call back every 1-2mths. Change script or invite for non-Nu Skin activities or "I know you are not interested, but can you at least give me 15mins to share why I'm doing this?"

2. Not interested: Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

3. Not interested but "Good For You!": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Tell them you will call back after a week to follow up on the email. Ask for referrals.

4. Interested: (Ask "Which part were you interested in?" "...Why?") Invite to BOM or Set up appointment to meet ASAP.

5. No response. Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Ask for referral.  

6. "I will let you know if got people.": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. Send email. Call back after a week to follow up on email.

7. "Cannot one la...": Tell them a powerful R2 Testimonial. Be thankful. "I see your point. But, the anti-aging market is just too BIG! Everyone wants to be healthy & energetic. There are more than 800 Millionaires. And if you make USD10K/mth after 10yrs. Ok what!?"

This is a RACE between you and other Nu Skin groups. You want to WIN!?

Willing Tan

Nu Skin Biz Script:

"What I do, is working in partnership with a NY listed company deeply involved in genetic research into anti-aging and commercial product development. My role is to look for a few potential business partners in order to establish and expand global product distribution channels in SEA. Would it be OK if I show you how big the market opportunity is?"

If there is RESISTANCE...

(From MCM & TE Tan JuinnWen) "I'm not here to convince you about MLM, all I want to do is to show you the #1 Anti-Aging company in the world, and I can PROVE it."

Compelling & Indisputable Facts why Nu Skin is #1:

1. Follow the SMART MONEY.

Institutional Funds hold 91% of NUS. Top 3 Investment Funds : Fidelity, Vanguard & Blackrock (together they manage USD3-4Trillion worth of investment)!

2. Anti-aging Products TRA & ageLOC.

Acquisition of LifeGen Technologies. 30 years genetic research, 18 US Patents, 500 Million data points & USD100Million grant by US Government (to study Obesity genes).

3. SEA Growing at 33% per year, over the last 4 years. Fastest Growing Region. Significant achievement & Leadership. Landmark Achievement: Nu Skin paid RM100M in less than a year! #1 MLM in Singapore.

Why Nu Skin Biz is Amazing?


1. SIMPLE: "It's not easy to manage 52 markets & be constantly innovating new products. So, all we do is the simple stuff, 'Look our best & talk to people'."

2. SCALABLE: "Facebook is so successful because it is scalable. Starbucks is scalable. Franchising is scalable. Network Marketing is highly scalable, but without the cost & risk. "

3. SUSTAINABLE: "Business in smoking, drinking & gambling is very profitable, because it is addictive. But, ethically we don't do it. Do you know that health is also addictive as well. When you look good & feel young, I'm sure you don't want to feel old, right?"

Then, lead to TRA123 as a starting point to create those channels. Ask for 25 people to meet. Close 5 to make RM10K in their 2nd month.

Willing Tan 陳威潾