Sunday, August 17, 2014

7 Habits of Highly Likeable People

7 Habits of Highly Likeable People

By Peter Economy of Inc., August 13, 2014

Everyone wants to be well-liked; it’s in our nature as people. But it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that makes us more likeable. Is it a magic charisma that attracts people to us? Or maybe being outgoing and friendly? Or having an agreeable personality that doesn’t put people off?

Though there are plenty of theories floating around about what makes someone well-liked, here are seven things that well-liked people always do—and that you can do today to make yourself a more likeable and magnetic person.

1. Don’t Judge

No one likes being judged, but it can often be difficult to avoid judging the actions of the people we work with or who work for us. And as much as we may try to disguise our judgement, our physical responses can be pretty transparent.

Well-liked people know this, and instead of trying to hide it, they make the conscious choice to not judge others. If they are managers or supervisors, they make rational decisions about people based on data and results, not emotional reactions to personalities. In addition, they have accepted the fact that they can’t, and shouldn’t, try to control or to change the lives or opinions of others.

2. Get Personal

Well-liked people have mastered the delicate dance of getting personal without getting too personal, especially in a work environment. They break down walls by getting real—telling you about their issues and problems but without dwelling on them. They also tell you about the good things happening in their lives, without bragging or trying to “look good.” Their genuine willingness to be vulnerable and to take things to a personal level naturally attracts people to them.

3. Ask People About Themselves

Rather than spending an entire conversation talking about themselves, well-liked people instead put the focus on the people they’re with. If you don’t bother to ask questions about the person you’re with, or give the person a chance to talk about him or herself, you’ll put the person off by clearly demonstrating that you care more about making yourself look good than actually getting to know the other person.

Well-liked people know that people enjoy talking about themselves, and they ask questions to prompt them to do just that—building stronger relationships and their own likeability.

4. Listen

There’s no point in asking questions if you aren’t going to listen. Active listening—where you respond to what people are saying with timely verbal and nonverbal prompts, conversation reinforcements, and questions—is a skill that well-liked people have mastered. And they make a point of not looking at their smartphones or computer screens while they’re talking to someone else. This makes the other person feel important, which builds your likeability.

5. Remember

Of course, to remember, you must first be a good listener. Think about a time when your boss remembered something important in your life—a child’s graduation, or your upcoming birthday or wedding anniversary. Likeable people remember things about those they work with, and they make sure they let those people know that they remember. Listening and remembering shows that you value your conversations and time spent with other people, which in turn leads them to value their time spent with you.

6. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

At appropriate times, likeable people joke, laugh, and are just plain fun to be around. Who doesn’t want to be around someone who can share a good laugh? They have unorthodox business meetings, and they like to surprise the people they work with. You’ll meet at the office one day and at the baseball field the next. These people know the importance of lighthearted fun on the job, and they try to incorporate it into their daily life, at work and at home.

7. Be Hospitable

Likeable people know the meaning of hospitality, and they aren’t afraid to invite you into their office or even their home for a meal, a meeting, or a cup of coffee. Opening up your office to someone is an act that never goes unnoticed, and opening up your home to someone is like opening your heart to that person.

If you aren’t already doing these things in your business life, try taking on a few, and watch how quickly the people around you respond. You might be surprised at just how likeable you can be with just a few changes in the way you treat others.

Monday, July 7, 2014

A choice your prospect can't refuse.

A choice your prospect can't refuse.

Everybody does network marketing every day, but they just don't get paid for it.

We constantly recommend restaurants, music CDs, movies, places to go shopping, and even places to take vacations. Recommending and promoting is in our blood.

That means every prospect you talk to does network marketing, right?

So why not give your prospect a choice he can't refuse?

Simply say:

"You already do network marketing every day. You can get paid for it ... or you can continue doing it for free. The choice is up to you. And if you choose to continue doing it for free, that's okay. Charity work is good. It makes the world a better place."

And then let your prospect decide.

Big Al

What your prospect really wants to hear.

What your prospect really wants to hear.

Bill Jayne says it all in this famous quote:

"It doesn't matter what you're selling. Your direct marketing should never be about the product. It should always be about the prospect."

How much of your current opportunity presentation is about your company, products, and compensation plan?

How much of your current opportunity presentation is about your prospect?

Great recruiters know that their presentation should be about the prospect's favorite subject: the prospect.

If your presentation is 100% about your company, products, and compensation plan ... think about including more about your prospect. It works.

Big Al

Two great words ... "which means"

Two great words ...

I did a webinar for members on creating a personal networking group. One of the skills to master is how to describe our business or product in a way that the prospect will understand.

We get excited about the hype, the research, the big names and our jargon, but what do those really communicate to the prospect? Usually, not much.

If you have big words or vague descriptions, use these two magic words:

"which means"

And now we are forced to explain our offer in better words.

Here is an example:

Distributor: "Our anti-oxidizing molecule coating laminating technology patent is awesome. You have to try this for 30 days."

Now, let's try it again using those two magic words:

Distributor: "Our product has an anti-oxidizing molecule coating laminating technology patent, which means these special ingredients go right to the brain, helping your grandchild be the smartest kid on his street."

So what are you saying that is not clear to the prospect? How about adding "which means" after some of these words:

* residual income
* matching bonus
* downline
* upline
* Senior Supervisor
* unencumbered volume
* distributor

Try it, and enjoy.

Big Al

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Read more

The Career Ladder Isn’t In The Office
By Sean Johnson

Read more
My college mentor grew up in a poor African American family in Alabama. He managed to be the first in his family to get into college, attending West Point. He was a decorated officer before getting his MBA at Harvard. When I met him, he ran economic development in Colorado Springs.

When I asked him what he most attributed his success to, he said it was because he started reading and never stopped.

He believed knowledge was the key to getting what you wanted in life. So much so that his life goal was to build libraries in underprivileged communities like the one he grew up in.

He always asked job applicants what book they were currently reading. The A players were folks who could answer without hesitation. They usually were in the middle of 3 of 4 books, and at least one of them was professional in nature.

Reading gives you a huge head start on your peers who don’t.

You’re more likely to identify strategies and tactics from other industries that might work in your company.

You’re more likely to avoid making common pitfalls that otherwise would only come with experience.

You’re able to transfer that knowledge in your organization, creating new capabilities for your company.

And you’re more interesting to talk to.

It’s unlikely you’re going to have a conversation at a networking event about the 4 P’s of marketing or some other concept you picked up in your textbooks. But it’s very likely you’ll have a conversation about the long tail, or the 10,000 hour rule, or the build-measure-learn loop.

Anthony Robbins used to say that if you spend 1 hour a day learning about a particular topic, you’d know more about that subject than 99.999% of the world within a year.

Even if you have only 30 minutes a night, you can easily read a book a week. Maybe you’re not an expert, but I guarantee you’ll know more than your peers.

Maybe you don’t know where to start. At the end of this post I’ve included a list of my favorites to get you started. One less excuse.

Read. Take good notes. Repeat.

Aggressively Build Your Network

The Career Ladder Isn’t In The Office
By Sean Johnson

Aggressively Build Your Network
A strong network accelerates everything you do in your career. You should spend considerable time building yours if you aren’t already.

A good network gives you smart people to bounce ideas off of.

A good network gives you access to information and knowledge that are otherwise hard to come by.

A good network gives you introductions to consulting or freelance work that can give you more reps.

A good network will lead to more potential partnerships or revenue opportunities for your current company.

A good network will become the source of your next gig/case.

If you start your own business, your network will be the source of your early customers, your best employees and your most favorable sources of capital.

Rather than going home or going to the bar with your college buddies, you should be hitting up Meetup groups.

You should join your local chapter of whatever professional organization is most relevant to your career.

You should be grabbing coffee or drinks or breakfast with new people every single week.

And you should always stay in touch, actively looking for opportunities to help your network — to make new introductions, offer advice or share knowledge.

Your network can become your most powerful career asset, and the time you’re spending watching Korean Sitcom can be spent building it.

Go Network!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Power Tips!

* S2G. "Jia Yu" 加油 Day 4:

1) "The Frequency at which you Review, determines the Amplitude at which you Succeed." [QExecs MUST Review EVERY day!]

2) "We come this way but ONCE. We can either tiptoe through life and hope we get to death without being badly bruised or we can LIVE a full, complete life achieving our GOALS and realizing out WILDEST DREAMS." - Bob Proctor, from EE MunKit [Why be 'safe', when you can be a SUCCESS? ]

3) "MOST PEOPLE want to make extra money, especially in times like these. And EVERYBODY KNOWS it's very hard to be wealthy working for others. WOULD IT BE OK, IF I share some ways to make more money while keeping your full time job?" [Curiosity invite]

4) "Excuse me sir/mdm, WOULD IT BE OK, IF I ask u a question? Are u currently on any prog. to get fitter? ... I'm a wellness expert/coach, I represent a NYSE listed company that helps people lose weight w/ a US Patented 12 wk prog. There is no starving & u still enjoy food, u gain muscle while losing fat, u don't rebound and over 100 doctors hv SUCCESSFULLY done it. ... One day in the future, can I share w/ u more?" [Invite TRA]

5) Are you PREPARED to: Share TRA, Assess TRA, Talk TRA Biz, Close TRA Biz, Eat TRA 3333, Be TRA Model, Smell TRA Scent this coming CNY? [Be Prepared, NOW!]

"Lead with PASSION" Willing Tan 陳威潾


* S2G. "Jia Yu" 加油 Day 16: DECIDE

1) "For the SUCCESSFUL person inside you to live, the lazy person inside you must die. For the COMPASSIONATE person inside you to live, the hate inside you must die. For the FIT person inside you to live, the fat person inside you must die. For the WISE person inside you to live, the ignorant person inside you must die. For the RICH person inside you to live, the poor person inside you must die." - Anonymous. [Have you DECIDED which person you want to be?]

2) "打拼 打拼 打拼 FIGHT HARDER... ~ for hours to PRESENT not hours to sleep! ~ for PASSIVE INCOME not active pay! ~ to BUILD A NETWORK not working a job! ~ to go HOME EARLIER not to help your boss go home earlier! ~ to REALLY LIVE LONGER ! " [WHAT are you FIGHTING for?]

3) It is MID month. DECIDE to make it GREAT! Just as Nu Skin gives you CHOICES in life. YOU will have to FIRST CHOOSE to take the NECESSARY ACTION against ALL odds to Succeed. [Review GV & Who is Qualifying this month?]

4) "Qualities of a Leader (from Gloria Lee/Franny Lim) 1. Targeted 2. Proactive 3. Assume Responsibility 4. Willing to Take Risks 5. Loyalty 6. Foresight 7. Conscientious 8. Never Give Up 9. Perseverance 10. Soft humility 11. Open Minded 12. Team Player 13. Being Good to Others" [Be ALL that you can be.]

"Lead with Passion" Willing Tan 陳威潾

The Magic Monkey "孙悟空" Story!

* S2G. The Magic Monkey "孙悟空" Story! "

After successfully extending the life of Fruit Flies & Mouse by 1/3, LifeGen Technologies were able to extend the life of Monkeys as well ("See how much younger the left monkey in this picture is?"). This led to the discovery of Youth Gene Cluster's (YGC's) that kept the Monkey YOUNGER & FREE of chronic diseases. Now, a NYSE listed Billion dollar company, Nu Skin Enterprises, has bought over LifeGen together with its 30yrs of genetic research & 18 US PATENTS. We are now the ONLY company that can IDENTIFY, TARGET& RESET YGC's and REVERSE the aging process at the ROOTS. With the EXPANDING Anti-Aging & Wellness Market, we now have a HUGE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY in our hands. Would it be OK, if I show you how big it is?" Willing

Life's Lessons

* S2G. "Jia Yu" 加油 Day 17: Life's Lessons

1) "CHANGE when you SEE the LIGHT, not when you FEEL the HEAT." From Ruby Jamil Solhan. Educator & Entrepreneur. [What's your VISION for the Future? ALL Leaders have VISION.]

2) "If people say that having a belly is common, say: 'Yes, having a belly is common, but, definitely NOT NORMAL!'" - BD Oliver Lim, entrepreneur & award winning TV chef. [Who life is it worth RISKING for?]

3) "Only those who RISK going TOO far can possibly find out how far one can go." -- T.S. Eliot. [Are you afraid of Talking TOO much, Sharing TOO long, Training TOO hard, Demo TOO well, Believe TOO strong?! Don't Ever be, becoz your Success will also be TOO Great!]

4) If you don't want to ask invasive questions and put your prospects on the defensive. Ask: "What do you do for a living now?", "What do you do in your free time?", "Do you have a moment?", "Are you interested in the tax advantages of having your own business?", "What kind of business would fit your lifestyle?" This will help make your sponsoring conversations go smoothly. Big Al. [Learn to Communicate & Ask]

5) "There are no Failures only Results or Outcomes. I ALWAYS SUCCEED in Creating a Result. There is NO Failing, ONLY LEARNING." Anthony Robbins . [Just as if you are looking for a problem, you will always find it. Look for a 'lesson', and you will always LEARN from it.]

"Lead with Passion" Willing Tan 陳威潾

Business Model by Truman Hunt

* S2G. "Jia Yu" 加油 Day 20: Business Model by Truman Hunt

1) Traditional Business Model:
RISK - Significant Capital, Intellectual Property, Product Distribution, Inventory Mgmt, Accounts Receivable, Managing Employees, Personal Guarantees, Lack of Long Term Benefits.
REWARD - Often yield a low to moderate level of financial return.
[Is your prospect aware of these Risks?]

2) The Social Business Model (Network Marketing)
RISK - Modest Expenditure of Resources.
REWARD - Substantial Income Potential, Home-based Business, Global Opportunity, Lifestyle Freedom, PEACE OF MIND.
[Did you know that this Ultimate Social Biz Model's Revenue & People Involved Grew by 12% and 19% respectively from 2009 to 2010?]

3) Share: "Everybody doesn't want to age, right? But, did you know the Anti-Aging market is going grow 4x by 2025 and reach USD1TRILLION?!" [You won't want to miss this ONCE in a LIFETIME Opportunity!]

4) "What's ageLOC Science?" ageLOC Science IDENTIFIES, TARGETS & RESETS YOUTH GENE CLUSTERS with 30yrs of PROPRIETARY RESEARCH & 18 US PATENTS, thereby creating a SUPER-CLASS of ANTI+AGING Products. [Did you know Nu Skin is 10-20yrs AHEAD of Everyone!?]

5) Understand Economic Realities: Reduction in Employee Benefits, More Work Less Pay, More People Postponing Retirement, Stock Market Volatility, Health Care Costs Escalating, Interest Rales at All Time Lows, Unemployment High, Rising Costs of Living. ["So, how is a person going to have a so called comfortable life?!... Do NU SKIN biz!"]

"Lead with Passion"
Willing Tan 陳威潾

[Create Urgency to Close During Year End]

[Create Urgency to Close During Year End]
"Well, you know why it is better to start today?..."

1) [Delay] "Since you are going to do it anyway, you might as well do it now, don't delay it any longer, you won't know what's going to happen to you tomorrow. And there's no reason to CONTINUE to be Unhealthy and Fat, right?"

2) [Care] "Rather than procrastinate and forget about it next week/month; which we all regret, right? Start now and get it over with. The faster you start, the faster you lose your belly! If I were your brother, I would not want you to procrastinate anymore. Let's start, ya? "

3) [Get Worse] "Well, if you don't learn the tips and techniques we are going to teach you and start TRA, you are definitely going to pack on MORE fat over the festive holidays and you'll have pay EVEN more and EVEN longer to get rid of it, That's NO FUN at all! My friend SengChan, was so surprised, he didn't gain any weight at all last New Year! You can do it too!"

4) [Dangerous Level] "With that kind of High Visceral/Body fat, its already so hard to remove, even doctors don't know how. And Not to mention the Health Risks... I really feel that you want to do something about it Now. Why wait when you can start today? Don't play play... Its your life."

5) [No time] "Actually, its simple. We don't want to disturb your lifestyle or your busy schedule. In fact, as long as you eat your meals and take the products, that's all it takes. No Gym, No Starving, No Problem! And, I'll be with you every step of the way. Once you get started, its actually very routine. Even my busy friend, who travels a lot on biz also lost so much fat. can as well."

6) [Big Al Closing] "What's going to be easier for you? Worry about your health, feel tired and fatigued, take drugs for diabetes / hypertension for your whole life, OR feel great and look great in just 12 weeks?"

7) [Biz] "Well you know how the weight loss market is very BIG? And everyone is looking for something that is proven to work? Well, if you start NOW, you have 4 weeks to lose 1-3kg of fat and surprise your friends and relatives during Chinese New Year! They are going to want TRA too! Good Idea?"

"Lead with Passion!"

Willing Tan 陳威潾 & KC 江康晉


"The following 10 STEPS will help you gain instant rapport in ANY situation and CONNECT with ANY audience.

1) LEAD WITH YOUR HAND. Always lead with a firm handshake when meeting and greeting others.

2) LOOK THEM IN THE EYE. Have good eye contact because this signals that you are a caring and honest person.

3) INTRODUCE YOUR NAME FIRST. In every situation when entering a room introduce yourself and give your name.

4) DRESS YOUR BEST. The outside package is what draws people in. You may not be the best looking person in the room but you should always look your best.

5) USE POSITIVE SELF-TALK. No voice has the power to discourage you as much as your own voice. And, no voice is as critical to success as the words you tell yourself. Be constantly aware of the language you use on yourself.

6) THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. When communicating with others you should listen mostly. Let others finish their conversations and avoid finishing their sentences. Never say two words when one will do. Never talk negative or make excuses. If someone pays you a compliment be gracious and accept the compliment and say, “ Thank you.”

7) USE GOOD POSTURE. Walk with good posture. Keep your head and chin up. Sit up straight and look forward as much as possible.

8) ACT LIKE THEM. People like to hang around people who are like them. This includes voice inflection, posture, hobbies, etc.

9) GIVE THEM A COMPLIMENT. Find something you can genuinely complement them for.

10) ASK QUESTIONS. The greatest conversationalists learn to ask good questions and listen closely to the answers.

Remember to be glad that you are you. Be self-confident and courageous. By following these ten steps for instant rapport you will do more than communicate…you will connect."
Billy Cox

Willing Tan 陳威潾

Sunday, March 23, 2014

12 Truths for Ultimate Confidence

Sometimes we get all frustrated, annoyed and disheartened when we get objections. That’s natural, because we are all human beings. However, some people have figured out how to look at it differently and have become very successful at Nu Skin. Here are some ways that will absolutely help you and your team!

12 Truths for Ultimate Confidence [  ]
These 12 truths are concepts or points of view that are simple and logical. Once you accept them, you will understand that there is no need to be overly frustrated or angry with your prospect, or even feel that you are not the type to do this business.

1. Confidence ALWAYS Wins. [  ]
You will probably purchase or follow a person that has confidence. You don’t have to show your prospect that you don’t have any, right?

2. Situations WILL Change. [  ]
Your prospect may say ‘NO’ now, but their situation may change, they may have a baby, or their job may be at risk, or they may start to feel that their day to day work is routine. So be patient.

3. There MUST be a Way. [  ]
Always BELIEVE that there is a way to solve ANY problem. That it is POSSIBLE. In fact there is always a solution for everything.
If they UNDERSTAND, they WILL do it. [  ]
Most of the time, a prospect doesn’t understand completely the business, how it is done, why you do it, etc. And once they do, like you, they will do it. 

4. I WILL Improve Over Time.  [  ]
Your skills will always improve over time. So, you may not have all the skills to answer or present, in time you will. And you will get better. Be patient and learn.

5. The Past DOESN’T Dictate the Future. [  ]
What has happened in the past doesn’t dictate your future results. Although, we can learn from them, we must never operate in fear of them. You are older, wiser, more experienced and live in a different circumstance than before. Every moment is a new moment.

6. ALWAYS Believe in Abundance. [  ]
People who afraid, is worried that there is not enough, that things are scarce. Successful people operate from Abundance, and when you think Abundance, there are always people to talk to.

7. We ONLY want POSITIVE People.  [  ]
“Don’t sponsor yucky people.” – Blake Roney, Founder and Chairman of Nu Skin Enterprises. We don’t want negative people in our organization. So, if the prospect is negative, let them be. Be a great example for them to learn from.

8. We ALWAYS Give Energy. [  ]
Contribute your energy to others, prospects and team. People are attracted to energy. Successful people are full of energy. Complaining and unconstructive feedback sucks energy away.

9. Thousands HAVE Succeeded. [  ]
There are thousands of Blue Diamonds, Team Elites and MCM’s. There are also ten’s of thousands of Ruby’s, Emerald’s and Diamond’s. So, it is Absolutely possible!

10. We MUST NOT Predict Their Future. [  ]
Never Forecast or Predict your prospects future. Or worse still, BURDEN them with your past failures, by assuming that what has happened to you may happen to them.

11. Have COMPASSION always. [  ]
Most people don’t know how to say “NO”, thus they avoid or hide from you. They are afraid to make you unhappy, so they can’t commit an answer. Never be angry at them, instead be COMPASSIONATE and understand their challenges.

12. Everyone has NEEDS. [  ]
Everyone has needs, like Personal Development, Leaving a Legacy, Being Recognized, Being Loved, Freedom, Wealth, Success, Family Time, Travel & Living their dream Life. Take time to discover them together. Help them find it from your example. They may be seeking it as well. Show them how to achieve.

1. Have Patience, Results WILL come. [  ]
You may not see results you want immediately, allow for people around you to get used to your changes and for you to practice them well.

2. Put the Past Aside, Start a NEW. [  ]
Your past are lessons you have learnt. Now learn new ones. Be Excited that you are GROWING!

3. NEVER leave ANY Doubt in others. [  ]
It absolutely serves no purpose to cause your prospects to have any doubt. So, ACT AS IF you are successful. “Yes! I have not much results yet. But I absolutely BELIEVE this company will become the #1 Network Marketing Company in the world! And partnering them is the RIGHT thing to do!”

4. The FIRST 6 SECONDS Count! [  ]
Don’t worry about the whole presentation. Make sure you SHOW UP excellent in the 1st 6 Seconds. Make sure in the 1st 6 seconds, the prospect likes what he sees. Then they will give you the next 10 mins!

5. Build BELIEF Every day. [  ]
BELIEF is precious. Protect it. Build on it. Be with the team. Go to Success Seminars, Training, Coaching with your leader, read about it. Read only Positive things.