Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Power Tips!

* S2G. "Jia Yu" 加油 Day 4:

1) "The Frequency at which you Review, determines the Amplitude at which you Succeed." [QExecs MUST Review EVERY day!]

2) "We come this way but ONCE. We can either tiptoe through life and hope we get to death without being badly bruised or we can LIVE a full, complete life achieving our GOALS and realizing out WILDEST DREAMS." - Bob Proctor, from EE MunKit [Why be 'safe', when you can be a SUCCESS? ]

3) "MOST PEOPLE want to make extra money, especially in times like these. And EVERYBODY KNOWS it's very hard to be wealthy working for others. WOULD IT BE OK, IF I share some ways to make more money while keeping your full time job?" [Curiosity invite]

4) "Excuse me sir/mdm, WOULD IT BE OK, IF I ask u a question? Are u currently on any prog. to get fitter? ... I'm a wellness expert/coach, I represent a NYSE listed company that helps people lose weight w/ a US Patented 12 wk prog. There is no starving & u still enjoy food, u gain muscle while losing fat, u don't rebound and over 100 doctors hv SUCCESSFULLY done it. ... One day in the future, can I share w/ u more?" [Invite TRA]

5) Are you PREPARED to: Share TRA, Assess TRA, Talk TRA Biz, Close TRA Biz, Eat TRA 3333, Be TRA Model, Smell TRA Scent this coming CNY? [Be Prepared, NOW!]

"Lead with PASSION" Willing Tan 陳威潾

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