Tuesday, April 1, 2014

[Create Urgency to Close During Year End]

[Create Urgency to Close During Year End]
"Well, you know why it is better to start today?..."

1) [Delay] "Since you are going to do it anyway, you might as well do it now, don't delay it any longer, you won't know what's going to happen to you tomorrow. And there's no reason to CONTINUE to be Unhealthy and Fat, right?"

2) [Care] "Rather than procrastinate and forget about it next week/month; which we all regret, right? Start now and get it over with. The faster you start, the faster you lose your belly! If I were your brother, I would not want you to procrastinate anymore. Let's start, ya? "

3) [Get Worse] "Well, if you don't learn the tips and techniques we are going to teach you and start TRA, you are definitely going to pack on MORE fat over the festive holidays and you'll have pay EVEN more and EVEN longer to get rid of it, That's NO FUN at all! My friend SengChan, was so surprised, he didn't gain any weight at all last New Year! You can do it too!"

4) [Dangerous Level] "With that kind of High Visceral/Body fat, its already so hard to remove, even doctors don't know how. And Not to mention the Health Risks... I really feel that you want to do something about it Now. Why wait when you can start today? Don't play play... Its your life."

5) [No time] "Actually, its simple. We don't want to disturb your lifestyle or your busy schedule. In fact, as long as you eat your meals and take the products, that's all it takes. No Gym, No Starving, No Problem! And, I'll be with you every step of the way. Once you get started, its actually very routine. Even my busy friend, who travels a lot on biz also lost so much fat. ...you can as well."

6) [Big Al Closing] "What's going to be easier for you? Worry about your health, feel tired and fatigued, take drugs for diabetes / hypertension for your whole life, OR feel great and look great in just 12 weeks?"

7) [Biz] "Well you know how the weight loss market is very BIG? And everyone is looking for something that is proven to work? Well, if you start NOW, you have 4 weeks to lose 1-3kg of fat and surprise your friends and relatives during Chinese New Year! They are going to want TRA too! Good Idea?"

"Lead with Passion!"

Willing Tan 陳威潾 & KC 江康晉

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