Tuesday, April 1, 2014


"The following 10 STEPS will help you gain instant rapport in ANY situation and CONNECT with ANY audience.

1) LEAD WITH YOUR HAND. Always lead with a firm handshake when meeting and greeting others.

2) LOOK THEM IN THE EYE. Have good eye contact because this signals that you are a caring and honest person.

3) INTRODUCE YOUR NAME FIRST. In every situation when entering a room introduce yourself and give your name.

4) DRESS YOUR BEST. The outside package is what draws people in. You may not be the best looking person in the room but you should always look your best.

5) USE POSITIVE SELF-TALK. No voice has the power to discourage you as much as your own voice. And, no voice is as critical to success as the words you tell yourself. Be constantly aware of the language you use on yourself.

6) THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. When communicating with others you should listen mostly. Let others finish their conversations and avoid finishing their sentences. Never say two words when one will do. Never talk negative or make excuses. If someone pays you a compliment be gracious and accept the compliment and say, “ Thank you.”

7) USE GOOD POSTURE. Walk with good posture. Keep your head and chin up. Sit up straight and look forward as much as possible.

8) ACT LIKE THEM. People like to hang around people who are like them. This includes voice inflection, posture, hobbies, etc.

9) GIVE THEM A COMPLIMENT. Find something you can genuinely complement them for.

10) ASK QUESTIONS. The greatest conversationalists learn to ask good questions and listen closely to the answers.

Remember to be glad that you are you. Be self-confident and courageous. By following these ten steps for instant rapport you will do more than communicate…you will connect."
Billy Cox

Willing Tan 陳威潾

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