Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Business Model by Truman Hunt

* S2G. "Jia Yu" 加油 Day 20: Business Model by Truman Hunt

1) Traditional Business Model:
RISK - Significant Capital, Intellectual Property, Product Distribution, Inventory Mgmt, Accounts Receivable, Managing Employees, Personal Guarantees, Lack of Long Term Benefits.
REWARD - Often yield a low to moderate level of financial return.
[Is your prospect aware of these Risks?]

2) The Social Business Model (Network Marketing)
RISK - Modest Expenditure of Resources.
REWARD - Substantial Income Potential, Home-based Business, Global Opportunity, Lifestyle Freedom, PEACE OF MIND.
[Did you know that this Ultimate Social Biz Model's Revenue & People Involved Grew by 12% and 19% respectively from 2009 to 2010?]

3) Share: "Everybody doesn't want to age, right? But, did you know the Anti-Aging market is going grow 4x by 2025 and reach USD1TRILLION?!" [You won't want to miss this ONCE in a LIFETIME Opportunity!]

4) "What's ageLOC Science?" ageLOC Science IDENTIFIES, TARGETS & RESETS YOUTH GENE CLUSTERS with 30yrs of PROPRIETARY RESEARCH & 18 US PATENTS, thereby creating a SUPER-CLASS of ANTI+AGING Products. [Did you know Nu Skin is 10-20yrs AHEAD of Everyone!?]

5) Understand Economic Realities: Reduction in Employee Benefits, More Work Less Pay, More People Postponing Retirement, Stock Market Volatility, Health Care Costs Escalating, Interest Rales at All Time Lows, Unemployment High, Rising Costs of Living. ["So, how is a person going to have a so called comfortable life?!... Do NU SKIN biz!"]

"Lead with Passion"
Willing Tan 陳威潾

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