Monday, July 7, 2014

Two great words ... "which means"

Two great words ...

I did a webinar for members on creating a personal networking group. One of the skills to master is how to describe our business or product in a way that the prospect will understand.

We get excited about the hype, the research, the big names and our jargon, but what do those really communicate to the prospect? Usually, not much.

If you have big words or vague descriptions, use these two magic words:

"which means"

And now we are forced to explain our offer in better words.

Here is an example:

Distributor: "Our anti-oxidizing molecule coating laminating technology patent is awesome. You have to try this for 30 days."

Now, let's try it again using those two magic words:

Distributor: "Our product has an anti-oxidizing molecule coating laminating technology patent, which means these special ingredients go right to the brain, helping your grandchild be the smartest kid on his street."

So what are you saying that is not clear to the prospect? How about adding "which means" after some of these words:

* residual income
* matching bonus
* downline
* upline
* Senior Supervisor
* unencumbered volume
* distributor

Try it, and enjoy.

Big Al

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