Friday, August 16, 2013

"WHAT DOCTORS THINK" prepared by 1MCM Willing (from interviews with doctors.)

* S2G. "WHAT DOCTORS THINK" prepared by 1MCM Willing (from interviews with doctors.)

 Doctor's are very EXPERIENCED, but for Anti-aging & weight management, they may not know a lot.  [TIP: Our info on TRA, weight management & ageLOC Gene Expression Science is by far the most advance there is. Be confident with the information you have. More than 200+ doctors have gone thru TRA! Nu Skin Rocks!]

 Doctor's are more CRITICAL and may be SUSPICIOUS. They have the right to, as there are so many products out there. [TIP: Use testimonials of other doctors (Dr. Jason Ang @GP, Dr. Jenny @GP, Dr. Tan Chun Kui @Surgeon), who is more SENIOR or PRESTIGIOUS people, like Celebrities (Donney Yen @Ipman, Ms. Christine Lee @TVB Founder), Politicians (Japanese Ex-PM takes LifePak) & Leaders (Thai Princess takes LifePak. They will more likely to convince them.]

 Doctor's have certain CHALLENGES (eg. Time, Energy, Health, Family, Recreation, Dreams, Lifestyle). Despite the money, sitting in a room everyday may not be all that fun. Time is precious and they don't have time to spend with family & their life. [TIP: Compliment the doctor's efforts, dedication and time. Soon, they will say "No la... It's not as it seems..." after which mention trigger questions like, "The reason I decided on this unconventional industry is Compounding Passive Income & creating a Lifestyle of my dreams...." This will trigger NEW ideas in them... They wont sleep well that night thinking of what you said... ]

 Doctor's have TRIGGER words that may interest them. Be prepared to mention these during your sharing. Bring back up documents. [TIP: ageLOC has 22+ US Patents, 30 yrs of Research by world renowned Scientists, Richard Weindruch, Ph. D, Tomas A. Prolla, Ph. D, 30+ papers on the identification of YGC's, rewriting of the genetic chip for certain diseases, Clinical Studies, Stanford University, Double Blind Placebo Controled Test, Anti-Aging Science, Discovery Channel Worldwide Broadcast ( ), "The Aging Myth: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Looking And Feeling Young" by Dr. Joe Chang, was listed on the New York Times Bestseller list on the very first week! ]

 Doctor's APPRECIATE other Doctors. Mention credentials of other famous doctors. Be prepared to mention these during your sharing. [TIP: LifeGen Technologies (acquired by Nu Skin) World Renowned Scientists: Richard Weindruch, Ph. D, Tomas A. Prolla, Ph. D have researched Anti-Aging & Gene Expression Science for 30 years.

NU SKIN Executive Vice  President, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Product Development, Dr. Joseph Chang (Zeng Runhai) a Doctorate in Pharmacology at the University of London, and completed his post doctorate research at the John Hopkins University School of Public Health. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, he has published many papers, including the subject and author of 65 monographs and reviews 21, 47 research reports, and has published more than 55 papers in professional-reviewed journals (Open Access Journal). His book "The Aging Myth: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Looking And Feeling Young" was listed on the New York Times Bestseller list on the very first week!

The Nu Skin Scientific Advisory Board Research Centers & Laboratories Partnerships (to name a few):
Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D. - Epoch range Scientist
Carl Djerassi, Ph.D. - "Father of the Contraceptive Pill" & 30th Most Influential Person in History
Zoe Diana Draelos, M.D. -
Koji Nakanishi, Ph.D. - "Father of Gingko Biloba"
Lester Packer, Ph.D. - "Father of Antioxidant Theory"]

 Doctor's like to HELP people. Although they may not want to do the business, they can recommend it. [TIP: Let them know, there are No Known Side Effects, so they can safey recommend them to patients. Drugs are allowed to have side effects. Supplements are not. Nu Skin supplements like LifePak is Pharmaceutical Grade! TRA is Certified Safe by Health Science Authority of Singapore]

 Doctor's appreciate PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION. They see that in themselves as well.  And will appreciate Hardwork. They had to work hard as well. Be Consistent. [TIP: Keep following up and seek ways to Expose them to new information that they like to see. It took 7 visits with various Nu Skin leaders in 1.5yrs for Dr. Jenny to do TRA!]


BDM 


(Thank you, Dr. Jason Ang, Dr. Jenny, Dr. Tan, KP & Mr. Tan for your contribution.)

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