Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What Leaders Do - Tim Sales


Instructions on Leadership from Tim Sales.

Some of you are at a position to lead others. [READ THIS]
Some of you do not have anyone to lead yet. [READ THIS]
Some of you are leading many. [READ THIS]
Some of you want to learn how to lead. [READ THIS]
Some of you just want to learn something. [READ THIS]
Some of you may not want to read this. [READ THIS]
Some of you may not understand it. [READ THIS]

Leadership is Challenging. But RM10K-50K/mth in residual income, sure is worth it!

Get the point?

To your success!
Willing & KC

Attract [READ THIS]!

What Leaders Do

1. A network marketing leader doesn't wait until he/she gets a large group before becoming a leader. It can't work that way, because you would never get the large group if you're waiting to be a leader first! Nor does the leader wait until they feel they possess the knowledge to lead - rarely they do. My observation is that leaders select themselves by taking on responsibility (the total reason something happens or doesn't happen), rather than just the desire to lead. Want to be a leader? Go grab enough responsibility that it makes you feel like quitting every day…then don't quit – congratulations, that's LEADERSHIP. From that basis there are many other attributes you can develop. In addition to being a professional, it is equally important to be elite. In some ways, being a professional and being elite are the same. But the word "Elite" itself has such an empowering meaning.

2. At events, the leader arrives early and reserves chairs for their entire group on the front row. Yes, there are normally only two front rows (left and right)…If you're on the 2nd or 3rd row – you're still considered a leader. I spent five years getting up earlier than anyone else to make sure that my group had the front row. What I've found is that there are very rarely more than two leaders in any room. Please understand what I mean by this. Once a person gets to a certain level of success they will stop doing these simple leadership things because of ego. They suddenly become "too knowledgeable" to sit and listen to a speaker that has less time in the business than them. If you remain humble and hungry the world is yours. So is the front row, by the way.

3. A true leader realizes that there is a difference between being a leader and being a leader of people. More on this later.

4. Network marketing "works" under many conditions, but when those relationships between you and your organization become tight and a "esprit de corps" is created, there's nothing like it. I do mean nothing.

5. Appearance is impeccable. Even in jeans.

6. A leader "appears" organized, much like ducks cruising smoothly across the water, however, no one sees or knows how radical and out of control their feet are peddling.

7. Leaders of people treat their people with respect. Respect means you have a good opinion of their character or ideas. Simply put, you are interested in your people – their ideas, their complaints, their fears, their successes – THEM!

8. As a leader you develop or find five "Top Producers." Devote yourself to them. Find three qualities that you like about each person. Write those in your day planner. Review them frequently, thinking of how you can help bolster one of those attributes. Bolstering an attribute can be many things – from a good verbal acknowledgement, to giving a telephone headset to someone as a gift who is working hard at making calls, to being their friend when they have a personal crisis.

9. New leaders are let down often by those they devote themselves to. Why? Because you selected the wrong person to devote yourself to. You only get good at character choosing with experience. Track record is really the only place to look first. What has the person been doing with their time… and what does the person do with his or her time? People are what they spend their time doing. Most great leaders begin in a hole and are mad about being there. Of highest concern is whether or not the person has been advancing . If they're not, it might take a lot of work on your part. Perhaps more than you have. Every person who's ever had the tough decision of choosing between lose two or lose one knows that this is one of the toughest decisions in life. Albeit controversial, do not sink yourself if doing so won't save your mate. Cut away when you feel you're being pulled under. If you help "able" people, they will help more people. If you try to help an unable person they may sink you on their way down.

10. The network marketing leader gets the product or service "specialist" in front of their group – whether it's in person, on a conference call or on an audio or video. Example: Your company carries a nutrition line created by Dr. Whoever. He specializes in human nutrition and created an ingredient that is in your products that is truly unique. The leader will somehow get that doctor on a conference call with his or her group to raise their belief in the products.  

11. A network marketing leader always gives "back" more. Example: Let's say that there's a foul-up in processing distributor agreements in your downline. You get the distributors on the phone with a customer service rep that handles the situation. You know that that customer service rep really worked hard to help the situation. Yes, it's their job… BUT, the leader will send that customer service rep a bag of M&M's or flowers or something to say "thank you for going above the call of duty." What do you think that customer service rep will do for your group now? Just about anything.

12. The leader climbs the ladder and finds out who the decision makers are at the company and gets to know them but never bugs them. This is positioning yourself so that opportunity can see you. This is different than you seeing opportunity. Suddenly you find yourself speaking at the convention… hmm, I guess it was just luck . Yeah, right!

13. At the company conventions the leader will introduce the corporate staff to their organization and vise versa. Even the order takers! Take the time to do this because it creates a sense of belonging for both the corporate staff as well as the distributors. Imagine the difference when a biochemist for a company has met 100 real people with dreams and passions about selling his/her product. Do you think that creates a stronger passion for the biochemist to create better products? Absolutely. All of this "belonging" and "passion" was created because of your leadership.

14. A leader in network marketing is the switchboard of information and communication. They're not "in the loop." They ARE the loop.

15. A leader can always be reached by fax, email and or phone. Returned communication will occur in less than 24 hours. If that's not a possibility the message will indicate that it might be longer.

16. A leader never exposes weakness and fear to their organization. Some view me as being "inhuman" or robotic on this. What I mean by this is that the leader must always maintain their certainty about the business opportunity. I've never met a person in my life that doesn't have fear and weaknesses. If you've got fears or doubts about your company get over them or get out. Fly to the company today and get your concerns handled. Come back and be a rock for your group. I guarantee they'll follow you. Conversely, share with them your little uncertainties and they'll be so relieved that you're "human" and…they'll also find another leader to follow.

17. Recognizing that everyone is growing, a leader never invalidates the efforts of anyone in his or her organization. One person brings six guests to a meeting, another brings two, and the third brings none. The leader is able to notice that person number three is there – which might have been a major growth step for them. So instead of criticizing them for not bringing a guest – they praise them for being there.

18. The leader is always searching for and praising something about his or her people. "Little babies love praise, but grown men will die for it." Men in battle will risk their lives for a ¼" x ½" ribbon they pin onto their shirt above their left chest pocket. They wear this ribbon for the world to see. Forgo praise and you've missed out on the most powerful tool in your leadership arsenal. Praise for things they've yet to do, and you'll create a person who withdraws from the group because you made them a fake.

19. If you share this list with your group – share whose content it is. If you don't you will also be guilty of the last sentence of item #18. Seeking praise, respect, fame, etc. for what you didn't do, makes you feel like a fake.

20. A leader uses and teaches new technologies in their organization – but only if it truly works. Don 't drive your organization down dead ends.

21. Leaders are ethical examples. If you "sneak" your people past the registration table you've just ruined their perception of you. They can never trust you and they shouldn't. You've got one shot at doing this right.

22. A leader creates alliances with needed national and international (if applicable) groups to ensure their group has support and representation. If no group exists, build it.

23. Leaders are more concerned about the growth of their people than the growth of their bonus check. Focus on the growth of your people, your bonus check will take care of itself.

24. A leader never says what they can get others to say. Example: My company calls and says, "We'd like you to speak at the company convention." I accept graciously, and then ask "Would it be possible for me to include a new leader named _________? They're a good speaker and I would love to share the stage with them." See, a leader wants his or her people to be leaders.

25. A leader never, ever speaks ill of anyone – even if they deserve it.

26. A leader acknowledges other leaders in the room. "We are honored to have in the room with us Mrs. 77. She conducts business meetings in the 44 area."

27. A leader doesn't get bent out of shape because they don't get a return phone call from the corporate office – or the upline! More than once I've sent pizza to a department with special instructions to the delivery person telling them to say, "This pizza has already been paid for by Tim Sales . He asks only that after enjoying the pizza that you call him at 555-3797." Everyone laughs and guess what? You get a phone call with the right tone in their voice for getting something done. Anyone can complain – they're use to that. A leader finds amusement in creating more effective forms of communication.

28. A leader has a crystal clear vision about their networking marketing company and where they're taking it. If the company doesn't have something, they don't complain, they figure out how to convince the company to get it.

29. A leader, after reviewing this list will print it out and does at least one item everyday.
There are more – but this should get you started.
With growing respect and admiration for you,

Tim Sales

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Very Powerful Learning from our 10MCM Janet Yao

These are some things which i learnt from her.

Hopefully they will be useful to you too.

1. Nu Skin is a business built on rejection.
Many distributors think that being rejected means the other person is against them.
Usually, it is because many people are afraid of failure and sometimes that is why they reject the opportunity.
Recognise that some people need time to see clearly. Give people space even if they say no. Accept that some people are blind and not gifted to see this opportunity.
Janet shared that she is very proud that throughout her years of doing the Nuskin business, she did not ruin any friendship and neither did she feel sad if her friend said no.

2. Nu Skin is a vehicle that allows you to have a higher purpose. To Janet, it allowed her to be a blessing to others.
She says you will feel tired if you don't do things to contribute to other people's lives.

3. A dream can only be realised if:
You have the WISDOM to recognise it.
You have the COURAGE to pursue it.
You have the PATIENCE to see it fulfilled.

4. How do you know you can do it?
Ask yourself these questions:
a. Are you a positive person? Are you positive about people?
b. Do you have a desire to get to your dream with this vehicle?
c. Are you a persistent person?

5. No matter how you prepare yourself in this business, you will have surprises and you will have to face them.
It tests you during those difficult times if you still have the faith in your future.

6. What did Janet do when she was faced with challenges?
She had to revisit all the whys that she did Nu Skin.
She asked herself what she did for the business.
Did the company change? no.
Did the products change? no.
What changed? It was herself. 

She realised to succeed in the business, she had to change herself.
She made no excuses for herself.

7. How did Janet change?
She realised she carried the habits of a corporate executive.
Corporate executives follow corporate goals and have a corporate top down mindset.
In other words, they did things by instructions.
In Nu Skin, she realised that she had to work along side the team and not just instruct. She started to identify potential leaders and she showed them how to do the Business by doing it with them.

8. Find the right leader
When you show the right person what to do, your results are multiplied.
Janet went back to basics and started to show the key leaders how to duplicate.
When the leaders were strong enough, she let them be independent. She allowed them to be the leader of the leaders.
Who did she work with? People who showed both commitment AND ACTION.

9. Aim at RUBY
20 rubies in the network = 100 executives.
When your network has 100 executives, it runs by itself.

10. Time management is key
Janet could juggle her time between being a mother, her devotion to her church, going to work in her corporate finance job, playing golf and the Nu Skin business.
She says everything boils down to time management. There are no excuses.

11. Make your downlines the most powerful people in the world.
Her G3 executive became blue diamond first, then followed by her G2, G1 and finally herself.
It is better to sign someone better than you.
Every person you help your downline sign up is like placing a lighted candle under their chair. The more you place, the hotter it gets, the downline will jump up and run.

12. Positive attitude is crucial
It depends on how you perceive others.
When you invite people and they don't show up, do you think in a negative manner? e.g.. My friend is not showing up because he does not like me...
Why have this attitude? Why put so many negative thoughts in your head?

13. Start with the end in mind
All the meetings she has, they are fruitful.
She aims to have a closing with products.
She does not push or force her prospects to buy or sign up but she tries to influence them. It is always their decision to sign up.

14. Walk and talk like a successful person
When Janet was a Lapis executive, she walked and talked like a Blue Diamond.
She believed she could do it.
Even if you are not yet a Blue Diamond, you behave like you are already a Blue Diamond.

Janet is one of the most dynamic and powerful leaders i have ever met in Nu Skin.
Very humble and extremely sharp and intelligent. She is also very clear on her objectives and very efficient in the way she goes about things.

I hope that everyone of us learnt as much from her over the last few days.
Now it is all to be placed into ACTION!!

Focus, be efficient and stay positive!

Janet has an MSc in Physics and MBA. & B.Eng. She was involved  as a corporate Financial & Economic planner with 2 international Electric utility companies in HK & Canada before embarking  this global business in 1991.

Janet earned her first US$1 Million 9 years ago after working hard on Nu Skin business for just 2 1/2 years!

After that, she retired from business and became a full time volunteer as a church worker.

Even since, she has not work on her business.

But the amazing thing is that the income from her business continues to grow and grow. And she is a US$10 Millionaire! Isn't that Amazing?

That is really the power of LEVERAGE and compounding passive income!

My thought now is - if Janet could do it, so can You and Me!

I know many people deserve a better life. So are you.

You have to come in to experience this! (Working hard is required)

Listen to her Story:

10 MCM Janet Yao speaking at the American Club on the 15 Aug 2013 


Share this with friends!"

Friday, August 16, 2013

"WHAT DOCTORS THINK" prepared by 1MCM Willing (from interviews with doctors.)

* S2G. "WHAT DOCTORS THINK" prepared by 1MCM Willing (from interviews with doctors.)

 Doctor's are very EXPERIENCED, but for Anti-aging & weight management, they may not know a lot.  [TIP: Our info on TRA, weight management & ageLOC Gene Expression Science is by far the most advance there is. Be confident with the information you have. More than 200+ doctors have gone thru TRA! Nu Skin Rocks!]

 Doctor's are more CRITICAL and may be SUSPICIOUS. They have the right to, as there are so many products out there. [TIP: Use testimonials of other doctors (Dr. Jason Ang @GP, Dr. Jenny @GP, Dr. Tan Chun Kui @Surgeon), who is more SENIOR or PRESTIGIOUS people, like Celebrities (Donney Yen @Ipman, Ms. Christine Lee @TVB Founder), Politicians (Japanese Ex-PM takes LifePak) & Leaders (Thai Princess takes LifePak. They will more likely to convince them.]

 Doctor's have certain CHALLENGES (eg. Time, Energy, Health, Family, Recreation, Dreams, Lifestyle). Despite the money, sitting in a room everyday may not be all that fun. Time is precious and they don't have time to spend with family & their life. [TIP: Compliment the doctor's efforts, dedication and time. Soon, they will say "No la... It's not as it seems..." after which mention trigger questions like, "The reason I decided on this unconventional industry is Compounding Passive Income & creating a Lifestyle of my dreams...." This will trigger NEW ideas in them... They wont sleep well that night thinking of what you said... ]

 Doctor's have TRIGGER words that may interest them. Be prepared to mention these during your sharing. Bring back up documents. [TIP: ageLOC has 22+ US Patents, 30 yrs of Research by world renowned Scientists, Richard Weindruch, Ph. D, Tomas A. Prolla, Ph. D, 30+ papers on the identification of YGC's, rewriting of the genetic chip for certain diseases, Clinical Studies, Stanford University, Double Blind Placebo Controled Test, Anti-Aging Science, Discovery Channel Worldwide Broadcast ( bit.ly/ns2discoveryageloc ), "The Aging Myth: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Looking And Feeling Young" by Dr. Joe Chang, was listed on the New York Times Bestseller list on the very first week! ]

 Doctor's APPRECIATE other Doctors. Mention credentials of other famous doctors. Be prepared to mention these during your sharing. [TIP: LifeGen Technologies (acquired by Nu Skin) World Renowned Scientists: Richard Weindruch, Ph. D, Tomas A. Prolla, Ph. D have researched Anti-Aging & Gene Expression Science for 30 years.

NU SKIN Executive Vice  President, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Product Development, Dr. Joseph Chang (Zeng Runhai) a Doctorate in Pharmacology at the University of London, and completed his post doctorate research at the John Hopkins University School of Public Health. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, he has published many papers, including the subject and author of 65 monographs and reviews 21, 47 research reports, and has published more than 55 papers in professional-reviewed journals (Open Access Journal). His book "The Aging Myth: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Looking And Feeling Young" was listed on the New York Times Bestseller list on the very first week!

The Nu Skin Scientific Advisory Board Research Centers & Laboratories Partnerships (to name a few):
Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D. - Epoch range Scientist
Carl Djerassi, Ph.D. - "Father of the Contraceptive Pill" & 30th Most Influential Person in History
Zoe Diana Draelos, M.D. - Ethocyn.com
Koji Nakanishi, Ph.D. - "Father of Gingko Biloba"
Lester Packer, Ph.D. - "Father of Antioxidant Theory"]

 Doctor's like to HELP people. Although they may not want to do the business, they can recommend it. [TIP: Let them know, there are No Known Side Effects, so they can safey recommend them to patients. Drugs are allowed to have side effects. Supplements are not. Nu Skin supplements like LifePak is Pharmaceutical Grade! TRA is Certified Safe by Health Science Authority of Singapore]

 Doctor's appreciate PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION. They see that in themselves as well.  And will appreciate Hardwork. They had to work hard as well. Be Consistent. [TIP: Keep following up and seek ways to Expose them to new information that they like to see. It took 7 visits with various Nu Skin leaders in 1.5yrs for Dr. Jenny to do TRA!]


BDM 


(Thank you, Dr. Jason Ang, Dr. Jenny, Dr. Tan, KP & Mr. Tan for your contribution.)