Monday, September 23, 2013

How to Connect & Motivate People to Join You!

Connecting and Clicking is not about motivating someone, its about figuring out what their motivation is, and how to satisfy it.

If you understand the motivational drivers of human behavior, then you can gain ability to identify and engage these drivers in yourself and in your relationships.

Understand what motivates you and you can express yourself with more clarity and focus.*

Motivation comes down to how a person answers these fundamental questions:
"What's in it for me?"
"Why should I care?"

Identifying Motivation through responses:

"Its a chance for me to be noticed by my professional peers."
"If I don't show up, my associates might assume I don't care about ..."

"They're counting on me."
"I wouldn't want to let them down."

"It's a real chance to learn from the top experts in the field!"
"I'd hate to miss something that would let others pass me by."

"It would be fun!"
"I'd hate to miss all the fun."

How to Click with 6 Types of Motivation

1. Someone Motivated by Values:

Who: People motivated by strong sense of right and wrong, speak with conviction.

Tip: Bring up situation where you chose to do the right thing, even if it wasn't the most popular choice.

"You really should consider this..."
"It's only right that I talk to you..."
"It seems only fair that you hear me out..."

2. Someone Motivated by Reward:

Who: People motivated by Winning, Excited by Incentives, enjoy taking risks.

Tip: Talk about 'how rewarding it is to meet her', 'working together is a real win', 'both come out ahead'

"This conversation will benefit us both."
"We stand to gain a lot from this."
"Because I don't want you to miss out, we should get together."
"I didn't want to lose this chance to meet you."

3. Someone Motivated by Challenge:

Who: People who love to try, thrill of victory, "It is there, therefore I must." They display qualities of champions (Passion, Vision, Preparation, Goal-Setting, Planning, Mental and Physical Training, Perseverance, Courage and Integrity)

Tip: Talk about how you share his can-do spirit, how working together will lead to success, and how taking action now will ensure victory.

"This is our chance to meet this challenge head on."
"We will be triumphant!"
"Here's what we can do."
"We can't let this moment pass us by."
"We will not be defeated."
"You can only fail if you do not try."
"If I failed to introduce myself to you, I'd never forgive myself for letting the opportunity slip away."

4. Someone Motivated by Esteem:

Who: People who love reputation, fame, attention, recognition. They also give a lot of appreciation.

Tip: Find a way to let them be somebody, in your eyes, or in eyes of others. Ask them to share their wisdom. So that they feel special and worthwhile.

"Emily, you really are a true friend for listening."
"You will be famous."
"You will leave a lasting legacy of success."

5. Someone Motivated by Feelings:

Who: People who don't fit in other categories.

Tip: Speaking about feelings.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Won't it feel good to get together?"
"I'm sure there is something we can do to ease the pain and frustration you've been going through."

6. Someone Motivated by Purpose:

Who: People who talk about the meaning of life, very driven by fulfillment and the desire to practice, preach and persist their why. Listen to the language of idealism, perfect world, how things ought to be.

Tip: Connect to their sense of purpose by talking about their idea of the ideal, and the values they bring to making that happen. The key is to talk about how things ought to be, why we are here, their big dreams and ambitions for making the world a better place.

"This is why we are here."
"Here's why what we're doing makes a difference."
"Everything has brought us to this moment..."
"This is where it all begins to count..."
"This is about producing a quality product."
"We're all about saving malnourished children."

With Admiration,
Willing Tan 陳威潾 & KC 江康晉

Be a Force for Good

Attract It! :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


1. Possesses powerful antioxidant effects
2. Powerful scavenger of free radicals
3. Help increase lifespan
4. Promotes healthy aging
5. Protect and repairs DNA
6. Fights oxidative stress damage
7. Catalytically-active-increase body's production of SOD and Catalase. 

8. Strengthens heart health
9. Improves microcirculation
10. Promotes overall vascular health
11. Prevents hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)
12. Inhibits LDL peroxidation
13. Improves iron absorption and prevents anemia
14. Lowers high blood pressure
15. Strengthen cardiac contractility and oxigen use
16. Lowers serum LDL and total cholesterol levels
17. Decreases peripheral vascular resistance and therefore 

18. Protects the skin against radiation damage
19. Speeds up wound healing
20. Topically treats atopic dermatits
21. Treats burns, cuts and bruises
22. Regulates moisture loss, promote tissue regeneration
23. Improves skin elasticity
24. Natural sunscreen

25. prevents night
26. Treats dry eyes (xerophthalmia)
27. Improves vision and poor eyesight
28. Arrests cataracts and age-relate macular degeneration

29. Strengthens immune system
30. Alleviates allergy
31. Induces apoptosis or nature elimination of mutant cells
32. Increases natural killer (NK) cell activity

33. Promotes digestive tract health
34. Improves absorption and optimal bioavailability of nutrients
35. Encourages better digestion
36. Treats hyperacidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers
37. promotes bowel regularity
38. Stimulates appetite and relieves  anorexia
39. Heals Piles

40. Energy booster and anti-fatigue
41. Increases endurance and strength
42. Rejuvenation tonic
43. Combats effects of low oxygen levels. Ideal pre- and post-exercise beverage 

44. promotes sexual health

45. Eases enlarged prostate and prevents prostets cancer  

46. Supports health liver functions

47. Prevents rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
48. Strengthens muscles and bones

49. Treats vitamin A deficiency
50. Resolvent and cooling properties
51. Improves memory 
52. Calms pain and inflammation
53. Relieves cough and remove phlegm
54. Helps lower body weight
55. Tonic for kidney
56. Eases headache and relieve dizziness
57. Reduce blood sugar levels and improves insulin resistance
58. Reduce sleeping problem
59. Lung-stimulating
60. Periodontal health. Maintains healthy gums
61. Aids in conversion of sunlight to     vitamin D
62. Relieves vertigo
63. Critical of formation and maintenance of healthy cell membranes


g3 is perfect for everyone in the family from 9 months to 99 years old who need to increase their servings of fruits and vegetables, are frequently exposed to free radical damage, and are interested in boosting their antioxidant network defense


Why are lipocarotenes™ important?
A Lipocarotene™ is a matrix of carotenoids and fatty acids that enables efficient absorption and transport of these important nutrients. Gâc contains high levels of fatty acids which creates a lipocarotene™ structure to deliver highly-bioavailable carotenoids.Compared to beta-carotene found in dark-green vegetables, beta-carotene from Gâc fruit appears to be more easily absorbed, presumably because of a more efficient release of the bound molecule from the matrixes of Gâc and the presence of long-chain fatty acids in the seed membrane and pulp.

Can diabetics take g3?
g3 is a 100% natural fruit juice with no added sugars. Diabetics can consume g3 as part of a healthy diet. It is easy for Diabetics to incorporate g3 into a meal or as a snack when following the American Dietetic Association's Diabetic Exchange list. Based on the calorie and carbohydrate content, three (3) fluid ounces of g3 would equal one (1) fruit exchange, or one (1) fluid ounce would equal 1/3 fruit exchange. For comparison, one (1) fruit exchange is also equal to a small banana, a medium peach, or four (4) fl oz of orange juice.

What is the pH of g3?
The pH of g3 is approximately 4.

Is g3 Vegetarian?
g3 does not contain any animal ingredients, nor are there animal ingredients added to the product. Our 6S quality control process 6S ensures that our products are safe and that no cross-contamination occurs at manufacturing facilities.

Why is there separation of lipocarotenes and pulp in some g3 batches?
The g3 formula and quality specifications do not change from batch to batch. However, certain variations may occur because g3 is a 100% natural juice with numerous naturally-occurring fruit pigments. These slight color and consistency variations do not affect the quality of the product or health benefits. In fact, it is an indication that we do not add any artificial ingredients to mask these natural variations. Our process is very similar to using grapes for juice or wine; there may be a slight variation in color, even though the grapes may come from the same vineyard. The most significant feature of g3 is the fact that like all Pharmanex products, g3 must pass the stringent 6S Quality Process, including standardization, which ensures consistent health benefits. g3 is standardized for antioxidants, such as vitamin A (beta-carotene) and vitamin C content, and is processed under controlled conditions to ensure purity, potency, and safety.
Because g3 is 100% natural juice, you may notice a separation of pulp and lipocarotenes in your bottle of g3, simply shake well before consuming.