Wednesday, July 17, 2013

TRA Consultative Closing

* S2G. Consultative Adviser Sciript. This is for more mature (age) builders, professional customers or people who may find it challenging to share due to shyness or feeling of selling; which may lead to fear of rejection from friends.

Friend: "You look great! You look slim!"

You: "Thank you! I worked hard on it. I must thank my coach."

Friend: "Oh! How did you do it? You went to gym? What program are you on?... "

You: "No la... I had a great coach and I followed a simple program called TRA. I don't know if it will work on you, but it has worked very well on me. Even some friends I know had great results as well!" (Consultative marketing, no pressure, no selling)

Friend: "What is this TRA?"

You: "TRA means THE RIGHT APPROACH to lose fat, from US. Lose fat, increase muscle. Enjoy food w/ no starving. It's only 12 weeks to lose fat once forever. Over 200 doctors have used it successfully and recommend it. "

(just say this, nothing else, no need to mention pills, diet plan or portions, since they don't understand the CONCEPT of TRA yet, all that you are doing is strange, weird & complicated to them. Just say: "I follow my coach, and he personalizes the program to suit my lifestyle. Its actually very simple when you get used to it." )

"TRA 意思是正确的减肥法, 来自美 国。减脂增肌。享受食物,不可挨饿。 只是三个月, 达到人生最后一次减肥. 150多名医生已经成功地使用它。"

Friend: "Oh Really? That's interesting."
(Even if they don't show any interest, you can say the following.)

You: "By the way, ONE DAY in the FUTURE, WOULD YOU LIKE to know more?"

(key question to ask. No pressure, just checking for Interest. But, mostly, the answer is 'yes')

"在未来的日子之一,你想知道更 多吗?"

Friend: "Sure!"

You: "GREAT! Let me introduce my coach to you. He can explain it to you. He is really good & has helped many doctors lose fat and regain their health. Some even so their diabetic & hiBP medication ."

"我可以向你介绍我的教练?他可以解 释给你?他是真的很好。"

Friend: "How Much is TRA?"

You: "TRA is between RM200 to RM2000 per month DEPENDING on how much you need to lose. Why not let my coach give you a free assessment? He will be able to give you a more accurate assessment of your muscle percentage & efficiency."

(most of the time, people just want to know the range of the price, as long as it makes sense, they will still be interested.

Why 200? Because some people just buy the ageLOC Body Spa @RM229/mth or Lifepak.

Why 2000? Because some people buy TRA @RM1600/mth + ageLOC Body Spa @RM229/mth. RM4800/3 is RM1600.)

"每月200至2000令吉, 根据你需要减多 少, 为什么不让我的教练给你一个免 费评估?"

If they know that it is RM4800 and respond this way...
Friend: "Wah, Why So Expensive!?"
(NOTE: It's another way to say, "Tell me why it I must pay that price for it?")

You: "Actually its not. Do you know that other programs from London, Wei Wei, Marie France, Slimming Century, Total Life cost more than RM10,000 to RM50,000! ..... (*OPT: Would you want to risk damaging your body and effort to double in size later?!")

"哪里有?! 你知道别人更昂贵...除非 你想破坏你的身体?!"

With Admiration,
Willing Tan 陳威潾 & KC 江康晉

Be a Force For Good.

Attract it.