Friday, June 21, 2013

How to Handle the Effects of Haze Safely

The haze in Singapore is not a temporary condition and will be around to stay, because, whether we like it or not, our neighbour will continue to burn forests and diplomatic solutions will remain slow.  Even when we resolve it now, it will come back the next year at around the same time during June holidays.


Most Singaporeans is a careful bunch, taking extra precautions to stay indoors and wearing a good mask when going out (Outside-in protection).  But is this enough?  The answer is ‘NO’!  Even at home with windows closed (Assuming you are able to stay at home for two months) everyone will still be exposed to microscopic dust that will pass through our mucus and lung hair defense system that can only filter the larger particles.  The smaller particles will pass through to our lungs, stick to our throats and sensitive esophagus linings to create trouble for our body.


Some of the first signs of your body being affected by the haze are:

1. Phlegm in throat/ clogged nose

2. Itchy and sore throat

3. Coughing and consistent throat clearing

4. Breathing discomfort

5. Fatigue

6. Etc


These are signs of lack of oxygen absorption, inflammation and in some cases, infection.  And these are signs for the healthy; those with history of asthma, auto-immune diseases, the three highs (Blood, Sugar and Cholesterol) and those who are overweight will experience more ill effects.


Therefore the best way to fight the haze is from the inside-out.  And that is to equip our body with defense abilities to deal with the inhaled dust.  Let’s discuss these in a little detail:


1. Inflammation is a body mechanism that helps it to repair, therefore is a good thing.  However, over inflammation can cause discomfort through pain and in some cases inflammation can activate an auto–immune disease where our own immune system can attack our own body (Eg. asthma attack, skin break out, excessive coughing). According to Dr Oz, micro consistent inflammation is a leading cause of cancer.  Solution; reduce inflammation or keep it at a controlled level.  Take good fish oil combined with Krill oil that is clean (Cheap unclean fish oil causes other issues, look for molecular distillation for clean fish oil).  The EPA in fish oil is scientifically known to reduce inflammation the natural way.  Eskimos are known for not suffering from heart or inflammation issues due to the high amounts of EPA they consume.  Whales have not been found to have died from heart diseases because they swallow large amounts of Krill.

2. Infection happens went there is a viral or bacterial infection.  And this can be made worse when coughing or throat clearing breaks the skin.  High dosages of Vitamin C are known for combating infection, therefore may handle mild forms of fever (Please consult doctor for high fever).  Here’s the question, how high a dosage of vitamin C?  The ill informed then tend to swallow dosages of supplements with 500mg, 1000mg or in some cases 15000 mg at one go, that is not a good practice.  You see, your body will absorb up to 60mg at any one time, the rest gets washed out through your system through your urine.  Here’s a suggestion, take a good fruit juice that is loaded with Vitamin C and/ or a comprehensive multivitamin that contains about 200 mg of vitamin C and make sure that the multivitamin has a USP chop(US Pharmacopeia), which means high bioavailability.  Ensure also that the minerals are Chelated for better absorption. Also as a form of assurance, ask the supplement supplier for a way of measuring the absorption rate of the multivitamin you are consuming.  If they cannot measure the absorption rate, its not science.

3. Immune system.  As an extra precaution it’s important to boost your immune system for better protection.  First things first, 80% of your anti-bodies are produced from your gut.  Therefore it’s important that your gut has enough good bacteria.  In the process of looking for a good probiotics, ensure that it does not contain sugar (Dried capsule ones are superior).  Also asked the supplier, “At what PH levels does the bacteria remains active?”  Most probiotics survive in the lower intestines because when you are hungry, the PH level of your gut drops to 1.5! That kills most of the bacteria.  Look out for a good bacterium like Lactobacillus Fermentum.  Colostrum (Micro filtrated extraction is good, heat extracted is not good) is also a good option.  Green Tea (Without the Caffeine) and Beta-Carotene (In fruit juice form or multi-vit form; these are good anti-oxidants that help combat the haze and the acid rain that will come when governments do cloud seeding).


Remember, the old and young are easy victims of the haze.  Like what Singaporeans will say , DON’T PLAY PLAY!  Last but not least, supplements are excellent for prevention of lifestyle diseases, but if you are already suffering from a disease that needs treatment, its important that you see you doctor.


Oliver Lim
Director & Trainer
Trained in Nutrition and Metabolism
Olive & Glen
Specialises in Health Education and Tummy Flattening Consultancy